Today was okay-ful-ish. I actually got a 20/20 on that science binder check thigy. Haha, and Jasdeep, who was more organized than me, and worked harder on it than me, got a 17/20! Even Rahima got an 18/20! Hehehehehehehe. Hahahaha, that was so funny.
Oh yeah, at lunch it was really funny, cuz Shirley and me were doing the "Whee!" thingy again....and we were doing it really really loud. And then I was yelling "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!!!" at the top of my lungs at Jasdeep, over and over. Haha, that was so funny! Oh, also, we might get to go outside tomorrow. ^_^ Yay, finally, back to freeze tag!!!
Anyway, right now, I'm watching episode 22 of Chrono Crusade. Only two episodes left... *sniff sniff* I can't believe it's almost over!!!!!!!!! Oh well, there's still so many m,ore animes to, so, so many...
Alexis gave me an oatmeal cookie...That was one good cookie 3nodding .
Well, back to my anime!!! ^_^

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