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It comes and goes like a passing of time, a storm of many stories to tell a drizzle of rain tells almost nothing about itself, a steady stream is a means of saying that the rain feels calm, heavier rain with thunder and lightning means that the rain is excited and lighting strikes when the rain no longer can hold back it's excitement, when rain is pouring immensely with it's companion hail and lightning flares the sky with blues, purples and greens, it tells us that the rain is angry... and when the rain is angry it creates cyclones that buffets the land with destruction and chaos... the rain does not know that this happening for it is blinded by it's fury... We recover and forgive the rain and the rain apologizes for causing us pain and suffering, and soon we both forget...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Mar 24, 2007 @ 01:03am
What you want your avatar to look like looks pretty cool!

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