Profiles for Unseen's The Supernatural RP
Username: Gatz TdaMax
Name: “Reverend” Patrick Shrive
Age: 33
Job: Vampire Executioner/Bounty Hunter, Priest
Race: Human
‘Penance’ -- A custom made, heavily re-enforced weapons case made in the shape of a 6” x 3’ 9” x 1’ 2” cross, with a thick Celtic knot pattern running over the entire body. The heavy-duty latches for case are well hidden within the twists and turns of the knot, making them difficult to find if one is not familiar with the case’s design. Though made from a 50-50 sliver-titanium alloy for extra lightness and durability, it still weighs about 300 lbs. when fully loaded, and tends to leave cracks in the flooring when set down abruptly. There is a detachable strap on the case so it can be carried across the back-- though Patrick supports most of the actual weight with his telekinesis. ‘Penance’ is a blessed object.
‘Penance’ contains the following weapons and items: 1 Bible (pastor's version); 1 silver cross; box of holy wafers; 1 silver hand-and-a-half sword with cross-motif hilt guard; 2 extremely sharp Japanese katanas (electroplated with silver); 12 wooden stakes; 12 silver stakes; 48 sliver; 6’ double-edged, silver razor blades (etched with a cross, no handles); 8 vials of holy water (6 oz.); 12 large syringes filled with 30 ml of silver nitrate solution; 1 fist sized bag of powdered silver; 1 car battery & jumper cables; 1 package of water balloons. The bible, cross, wafers, sword, katanas, stakes, blades, and holy water, have all been blessed.
‘Contrition’ -- Basically, a very large rosary also made out of a silver-titanium alloy. The chain is about twenty feet in length, with a snap clasp at one end and a foot long cross at the other. Each link is extremely thick link, and has been several times with the shape of a small cross. This weapon is not so much for fighting as it is for restraining a target weak against silver and/or holy items. ‘Contrition’ has been blessed.
Skills: Very strong Psychokinetic & Pyrokinetic abilities, Sixth-Sense, High Resistance to Mental Attacks, Priest (Catholic), Reads & Speaks Latin
Patrick grew up as an only child in very pious (and somewhat sheltered) Catholic family. When his psychic started to manifest at the age of, his parents arrived at what seemed a natural conclusion: they believed their son had been possessed by Satan. After a number of failed attempts to exorcise the ‘evil’ in the poor boy, he was shipped off to a youth seminary with the hope that a life of piety would cure him of his ‘affliction’. Patrick devoted himself to his studies, meanwhile working to control and suppress his powers on his own. By the age of eighteen he had a decent handle on his abilities, and was well on his way to priesthood. Then tragedy struck.
Shortly after the president’s assassination, a vampire with a grudge against the church boldly started killing the clergymen near Patrick’s school. Things happened so quickly that the community was still in shock about the deaths when the creature finally descend on the seminary. A well-meaning student invited the vampire into the dorm lobby, so that he could get out of the rain. The bloodbath that followed stained the walls crimson as the killer slaughtered the defenseless teens. Attracted by the screams, Patrick rushed out into the hall to find a ghastly figure covered with the blood of his schoolmates. As the vampire rounded on him the young psychic panicked, reflexively lashing out with his powers in self defense. The bloodsucking fiend was surprised as it was slammed right through a wall, only to have its astonishment permanently cut short as it exploded in a torrent of flames a moment later. The chaos had finally ended, but vampire’s killing spree had already taken a heavy toll on the student body. Meanwhile, a young man spent the night felling regret over ending a person’s life, and even greater agony that he had been able to save so few of his friends with his ‘gifts’. The next day Patrick returned to the charred and blood-spattered building, packed his few worldly possessions, and left for parts unknown. A few years later he resurfaced as a bounty hunter, specializing in dispatching hostile supernaturals. Fellows hunters nicknamed him “The Reverend” due to his pious manner and a habit of giving his victims their Last Rites upon execution.
Unlike most people in his profession, Patrick is highly selective of the warrants he accepts. Most of the jobs he takes involve cases where the accused is known to have willfully harmed innocent people, and as a consequence he tends to deal with many of the more dangerous case files. The fact he has survived over a decade under such conditions, along with the fact he’s managed to bring in a number of marks alive for due process, has only served to bolster his growing reputation. Between the cost of his equipment, food, and his selectiveness with warrants, Patrick doesn’t have much money to spare. However, he seems to be satisfied with the fact that his work allows many good people--supernatural or not--to continue living quiet, peaceful lives.
Patrick considers the aptly named ‘Penance’ to his literal “cross to bear” in life, representing the combined guilt of the lives he’s taken and of those he’s failed to protect. This view is further shown be the fact that he lets part of the weapons case’s weight rest on his shoulders, despite the fact he can easily levitate its total mass. Though sorrowful at times and willing to admit that evil exists in the world, he tries hard to see the good in everything around him.
Like many powers, the strength of Patrick's telekinesis tends to decrease over a distance. He's fairly fomidiable at close range, though--he can easily toss a large truck into the air from 10’ away. The size and weight of an object also seems to make a difference in how easily it can be moved as well. Supernatural beings tend to resist being directly affected by the telekinesis to varying degrees, depending on their level of power.
Patrick Shrive stands 5’ 11” and has a slightly athletic build, due to carrying around ‘Penace’ all the time. His white hair, slate gray eyes, and glasses all make him appear older than he really is. Typically Patrick wears a priest’s outfit underneath of a underneath of a large, white trench coat, though on occasion he wears normal clothing as well.
Username:Gatz TdaMax
Name: Rembrandt ("Rem" for short)
Age: ???? (looks about 23)
Job: Bouncer, Musician (part-time), Artist (hobby)
Race: Vampire
Weaponry: Body, Shadows
Skills: Martial arts, Master Vampire, and Chiaroscuro
-- The true origins of the vampire "Rembrandt" are unknown. Even Rem himself is unsure of them, as he's forgotten his life as a human over time, with the exception of the fateful night he was 'turned'. As a vampire, though, he recalls being around for the first Crusade, and ‘more recently’ the Renaissance period. His current name was taken from his favorite artist during this later period. It's safe to assume that Rem is fairly old even by vampire standards, an impression his power and unusually appearance only reinforces.
--Unlike most of his kind, Rem has no connection to any surviving bloodlines, making him a rouge of sorts in the highly stratified society of vampires. While it seems odd that such a loner be tolerated, the European Vampire Council has decided to 'live and let live' for now, so long as the ex-artist keeps his nose out of their business. Given Rem's overwhelming disdain for political intrigue, it is likely to be a very long time before he warrants their interest again.
-- Many of parts of Rem's somewhat hazy memories involve loud taverns, strong liquor, and having a good time. So perhaps it's no surprise that he was attracted to the club scene in Europe over the past century or so. After hearing about the ‘human rights’ being offered in the states he went to the U.S. out of curiosity--and finding things to his liking, stayed. He currently works as a bouncer at Adrianna’s Club, putting his massive vampire strength and intimidating presence to good use when some of the more harmful patrons get unruly.
-- His Animal to Call is the common house cat, but he has some form of mental interaction with most cats.
-- Chiaroscuro is a term for certain style of painting where the subject is fenced in by darkness, with bright tones elsewhere for contrast. Like a number of master vampires, Rem has the ability to manipulate the shadows around him. The major difference with his Chiaroscuro ability is that he can give the shadows substance as well as shape, causing them to take on tangible properties. As a consequence he is rarely at want for a weapon in a fight. This ability seems to grant him some control over light as well, though this aspect of his power seems to be rather limited in scope.
He’s a little short at 5’ 6”, with unruly black hair and bright green eyes. His extremely pale skin tone and pointed ears easily give him away as being inhuman. He tends to wear a long, black leather coat and leather pants, but tends to forgo wearing a shirt.
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*My Luck*
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