Haha...today was fun and funny. Me, Jasdeep, and the rest of the class were seriously bugging the hut-nun today. I lost count of how many times we took her pencil case today! Also, in the morning and afternoon, we took my lock, and put it on her locker lol . Then when we came to social studies, before class actually started, we were all playing catch with her pencil case...hehe. I love makin' fun of the hut-nun... lol ^_^
After school, we also went on the slides in the park by the school. That was fun, and I am sooo going back there tomorrow! Good thing the snow was there to brake my fall, cuz I couldn't help but land on my butt... rofl
Also..even after that... me, Jasdeep, and Tsachai were still makin' fun of the hut-nun on the bus...hehehe.
