This is Henry, the desktop computer downstairs. He's kind of angsty right now, because he used to belong to my stepbro, but now he belongs to my stepdad, so he's all confused about who he is. (I could go into detail, but things might get disturbing! XD wink

And this is Alice, my dad's laptop! So I guess in a freaky way, this is like...my sister. *glomps Alice* Oneisan!!!
Alice: Erm, technically, you've been alive longer than I, Squi_Gi, so am I not your ITOSAN?
Squi: ...But...oneisan... gonk
Alice: Very well... ^^0

And this is the revamped Phil! I think it looks more like 'im! ^_^

And this is Phil's dad, Phillip Sr. No, Phil is not actually short for Phillip, but he's just so much scarier with the Senior there, ya know? Yeah, uptight bushido-following father who is disappointed that his son is a wimp. That's about it. It's okay, Phil, I still love you! @ @;;; Oh, yeah, he used to be my dad's laptop, but now he's my OTHER stepbro's laptop, because Dad has Alice. (Confusing, I know.)
Community Member
Be sure to tell them all I said hi! And 'Lupe says hi, too! ^^
And Gavin.
And Lilith.
And Hitomi.
And Bill.
Yeah. XDDD