Well I have pets at GAIA I'll introduce you to them my first pet a gift from my friend [Yayo] is Gwee the Dragon, his name is Bluzu, we've have some good time's like I'll show in this pictures =D
Bluzu's new owner

As days passed by I got to know Bluzu better sweatdrop
Bluzu and nature

Either bad or good moments we always stayed calm and cool xd
Bluzu's first Halloween

My second pet was O RLY hat!!! XD which I had from a seal XD but he's still cool, here are some pictures =D
O RLY is unique sweatdrop

With time we even open a business =D
Anetta's Postal service

Later with time I found out about O RLY's dark secret, which quite made me shiver eek
O RLY's evil

But Bluzu and O RLY aren't my only pets now X3 I got Pochi The Shadow Spirit and Sugar The Pixie and here are 2 pics of our adventures so far.
Pochi's accident

And he might be short but he has quiet a temper X3
Pochi's short whee

And he's not the only lil troublemaker Sugar is too sweatdrop
Sugar's pins are very sharp xp and she also draws!! =D

Two of my latest pets now are Puki the Monkey and Buzz the Baby alien but I only have a pic of Puki. whee
Puki has a crush on my Daikoto XD rofl xd rofl

So yeah those are my pets, might be lil troublemakers but they are cool and awesome X3 and I love them all. heart
~Anetta Watanabe~ · Thu Feb 01, 2007 @ 07:07pm · 1 Comments |