I went to Colossalcon a few weeks ago. Just a little information on what Colossalcon is, this is an anime convention in Sandusky, Ohio. My friends and I went for the whole weekend. It was great, I saw a few old friends and missed. Did a few cosplays and got drunk on the second night. Played a few games and great brawl matches against other female players (won most of them). Overall it was an amazing time with everyone there. I only took a few pics and most of them were of my friends and not really cosplayers hahah. I'll leave a few links of pictures here to see.
After the con, I was back to my regular life, going back to work to get back all the money I used at the con mainly hahah. Then this whole week I've been just hanging out with my friends going to a movie with two of my friends on friday and watched Abraham Lincoln, btw its a great movie and I highly recommend it. Went with a few friends to a ramen house on Saturday and went bowling for the second time in who knows how many years and felt good about the score. Then finally visit a friends house with the dumbo hobo, and had a pretty good time with them and even went to a Mexican restaurant where I almost lost my phone.
Hopefully this week is just as fun and I get to do a whole bunch of stuff. I need to buy a new scanner and printer because I'm kind of getting back into drawing and I might try to do avi art again. Well that's all that's been happening all this month s far, now I'll leave the pics now!

~Anetta Watanabe~ · Tue Jun 26, 2012 @ 04:07am · 0 Comments |