Since Valenteins day is comming up, I've decided to center in on the human mind. Perticularly the part of our mind that controlls our actions and reactions.
Noel ,that's me,'s Ditionary says:
Emotion: in its most general definition, is an intense mental state that arises autonomically in the nervous system rather than through conscious effort, and evokes either a positive or negative psychological response.
Since the momment we're born we are given life changing feelings that tell us how to react to life. These are what we call emotions. We start off our life with what can be thought of as the most powerful emotion of them all, fear. The reason we start off life with fear is so that we can survive though the weakest part of our life.
When we are born we can't do anything for our self. We rely on others to feed us, clean us, and protect us. If we were born fearless we would not cry when we were aproched by a strange person, if we were starving, or in pain. Even tho fear keeps us alive as a child, fear can also restrict us from the pleasures of life. As a kid fear stops us from getting a good night sleep, because of the monsters living in our closet. And as we grow older, we sometimes fear expressing our feelings to the people we love, we fear being alown, and ultimately we fear death.
I want to get past as many emotions as fast as possible. Here are a few of the of the other things that make us want to laugh, cry, jump for joy, pound your fist into a wall, or rip our heart out, not literally of coarse.
- First there's sorrow
- and anger
- revenge
- humiliation
- envy
- cofusion
- loss
- incomleatness
- cowardness
- crulty
- shame
- stress
- disrespect
- hatred
- exhaustion
- dipair
- and reluctance
And here's some good emotions,
- happyness
- descovery
- pride
- amusment
- copleation
- corage
- closness
- love
- hope
- disire
- pleasure
- honor
- and security
Nutral emotions
- pity
- suprise
- wonder
- expectation
- inisence
- privicy
- firmilarity
- mystery
Your head is alot more complex than you might have thought, and that's not even half of the posibilitys.
The most powerful of the joyous emotions, what do you think it is?
Here's some synonyms = adulation, affection, allegiance, amity, amour, appreciation, ardor, attachment, cherishing, crush, delight, devotion, enchantment, enjoyment, fondness, friendship, infatuation, involvement, like, liking, mad for, passion, respect, sentiment, soft spot, tenderness, the hots, weakness,worship, yearning, zeal. German = Liebe,"Ich liebe dich!"
Think you got it yet? It's Love. But what is love? You can say "I love you" to some one of the opposit gender, or same gender. (Shiver going up my spine!), you can say you love your family, and you can say you love suger. But, when you say that you mean 3 different things. I mean that you can't fall in love with a person the same way you do with suger. Nobody I know get's married to candy or trys to eat their boy/girlfriend. I think the definition changes depending on what your talking about.
Here I go back to my trusty Dictionary.
Love: 1. An intense affectionate concern for another person. 2. Ofen used as a term of endearment. 3. A strong fondness or enthusiasasm for something. 4. God's benevolence and mercy toward man. 5. Man's devotion to or adoration of God. 6. and finally, A zero score in tennis.
So the next time you tell someone, "I'm in love with you!", you're really saying, "I have an intense affectionate concern for you!", "I'm in devotion to God with you!", or "I'm in a zero score in tennis with you". All cuples are bad tennis players I guess.
Hopefully you ladies and gentallmen can use some of those classy synonyms on Valentines day.
For those of you dateless Romeo and Juliets, Valentiesday is a good sorce of candy. And who dousn't love candy.
But if you're dateless and suger diabetic then you might want to stay home that day.
Some extra info, no I never do stop talking, sorry:
- Phisical responces
"The body frequently responds to Shame by warmth in the upper chest and face, Fear by a heightened heartbeat, increased "flinch" response, and increased muscle tension. The sensations connected with anger are nearly indistinguishable from fear. Happiness is often felt as an expansive or swelling feeling in the chest and the sensation of lightness or buoyancy, as if standing underwater. Sadness by a feeling of tightness in the throat and eyes, and relaxation in the arms and legs. Desire can be accompanied by a dry throat and heavy breathing."(Wikipeadia)
- I recomend this website for more info:
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thanks everyone for the very surprising Christmas <3
thanks everyone for the very surprising Christmas <3
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I guess people don't like emotions these days.