This is the story of the 3 little pigs, illigal imagracy, and how Neo became a house.
This all started at the end of double monny week in my first Jigsaw game.
Me / whitethorn, Neoswordspin, and my best friend forever Hobo4321 were playing puzzles and talking.
Then, Neo left. So, of corse, we started talking about him behind his back.
Not really, they just asked were he was, and then some how the topic of him being a cheeseface came up.
Hobo4321 wanted to know why he was a cheeseface..........
whitethorn: It's a long story
Hobo4321: I like stories
whitethorn: no stories for u, ask neo The "why he's a cheese face" story
Neoswordspin: haha thats a fun story to tell
whitethorn: ya
Hobo4321: tell it pz
Neoswordspin: ya see, once upon a time, i was celebrating weasle stomping day next to a dairy farm
Neoswordspin: and... *trails off*
Neoswordspin: The end!
whitethorn: lol
Hobo4321: that sucks give me another
Hobo4321: boring.
whitethorn: It was totally true, lol
Hobo4321: GIVE ME ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whitethorn: Ok
Hobo4321: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whitethorn: Once apon a time there were these 3 pigs
Hobo4321: a huh
whitethorn: they wanted houses
Hobo4321: a huh
whitethorn: but pigs can't have houses
Hobo4321: why not?
whitethorn: they're illigal imagrants
Hobo4321: really?
Neoswordspin: thats politically incorrect!
Neoswordspin: lol
whitethorn: you got a better explanation
Neoswordspin: not with me, maybe i left it in my other pair of jeans...
Hobo4321: fast foward to good part!
whitethorn: so they built the houses with buble gum, and guns, and neo
Hobo4321: a huh
Neoswordspin: (thats me)
whitethorn: The gum house was eaten and 1st pig died
Neoswordspin: i cried so hard that night...
whitethorn: the other house made of guns fell down
Hobo4321: why?
whitethorn: neo sneesed
Hobo4321: oh no
Neoswordspin: Im allergic to pigs... couldnt help it
whitethorn: then the 2nd pig was arested, by Bush, for beeing an illegal immagrant
Hobo4321: haha
Neoswordspin: that facist..
Hobo4321: yeah
whitethorn: the 3rd pig was killed by neo kong fu
Hobo4321: cool
Neoswordspin: HIIIIIYA!!! Karate chopped it
whitethorn: Then we all ate pigs
Neoswordspin: bacon for weeks!
whitethorn: yum
Hobo4321: yeah
whitethorn: but neo was still a house
Neoswordspin: I was a good house too
whitethorn: the end
Neoswordspin: *claps*
whitethorn: did u like it
Hobo4321: boo
whitethorn: sad
Hobo4321: more action
Neoswordspin: More neo vrs ninja-pig fights!
Hobo4321: yesssssssssssssssah
whitethorn: ok it's neo's turn
Hobo4321: gogogogogogo
Neoswordspin: woooooooooaoaoaoooooooooo everybody was kung fu fighting.. dedadadedadadedalale
Hobo4321: a huh
And that's it. And it's all true.
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thanks everyone for the very surprising Christmas <3
thanks everyone for the very surprising Christmas <3
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