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Life, death, and saddiness
Yaoi: story part 1 ~Chaos & Mishaps~

Me and my friend, ~Ninamori~ are writing a yaoi story in our RP, I hope it turns out good, it's really good I like to believe. so lets start the soryt ..........

As fate would have it, Vaan was not having to well an evening. The day had begun so promising, with simply waking up without having run in with some vicious desert creatures at which would later provide him a hearty breakfast. Which ment no injuries at which he had to find medicine for, with money he did not posses. Having lived in this desert all his life, he was fully prepared for anything it threw at him. Yet, as the day progress, things became more unfortchant for Vaan. Though he hadn't been hurt from an enemy, he now had no easy meal and had to venture out to find some. Sadly, he had no such luck and when he returned to his coosy wooden cabin, it had unsuccessfully with-stood a sand storm and was now barcaded beneath the steamy grains of dirt. "Crap." Vaan grunted frustratedly as he kicked the useless stand. This was surely only the beginning of a seris of unfortchant events.

Saru walking to class has usual, nothing had happen all day he wondered around the school until it ended. He thought it was his lucky day, but fate has a sense of irony. He walked past the super market and decided to go in for tuna, has he was in the hallway of the store something, a feeling he knew so well was creeping down his back, he run , it was an evil sprit about to attack. He runs to the corner while hearing the yelling of someone saying “THELF!!!" I guess he forgot to pay the tuna he gladded.... which he really was thinking at the time has he reached where the feelings was most strong he noticed nothing but a dark could that had covered the whole sky by now. “damn where are you, I'll kill you for ruining my day" he yelled.

The 1st part isnt that interesting, until the next part.....