Here's where I stand
Here's who I am
Never falling,
Never failing
Those I care about
Those I care for
The ones who I need,
and the ones who need me.
Give me a shout,
Give me a call,
When you're in trouble tell me
and I'll help you in whatever way I can.
Never worry for I will not fail you,
I'll never give up on you!
Never stop believing I believe in you.
Everything I do,
Is all for you.
For now that's all I have for the lyrics. Let me know what you think. I'm really having fun using glittermaker for different things and I had seen it a while back on a friends signiture. I was being random when I did all this and I made the song lyrics or poem on the spot.
Recently I've had a friend of mine die and was unable to attend his funeral. emo Another friend of mine had something serious happen to him but he will be fine. I might be coming here more and more instead of less and less. Lol. mrgreen So get used to seeing me back online here people! Blame my boyfriend for it! Lol. He talked me into coming back here when yahoo messenger wasn't working and I got working on things here again. So yea. I owe him a thanks for reminding me of why I was originally here. ninja To be able to try and hide from my parents and make friends. Lol. Nah! I'm kidding. Seriousely I did come here to make some friends and I have obviousely and it's where I met my boyfriend. heart Lots of love to him! I also came here to see if I'd be able to handle things and see what I could learn.
It's getting late here so I'm gonna get heading to bed. Talk to you all later.
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