- Ameh - T
- Artsywolven - F
- Baneful - F
- Daimyn - T
- DragonsRage24 - F
- dustfeather - F
- Ecavi - F
- final_crucible - F
- spottedleef - F
- Lenta - F
- Meepfur - F
- Phiferwolf - F
- Safaia - T
- TrinityCowgirl - F
- Werewolf - F
~ Plenty more to come, so please don't feel left out! ;~;
Wishlist :
- Uziwa'jani the God of Mystery ~ SoA
- SoA Lions -- I always want more of these. xDD;
- Forget Me Nots, Daeka, Sions, Giraffa, Elderspark, Theieves of Laurasia, Cait, Soquili, Feli, Kitsusagi, Shaoilin Wolves, Nummy Numa Land, Talaye, Anubii ~ Any pets for those shops would make my day! 83
- Sora (KH2)/Vaan (FFXII)/Tidus (FFX) themed pets
- pretty art of my SoAs? :D
- Merry Christmas when the time comes? xD
- Make sure I get all my work done in school before the holiday break. x___c;
Gifties ~ &3

;0; Thanks FC ~ - clingsto -

Lentaaaa ~ &333

... its a secret. :O ~

8D; Thanks a lot, Psy! &3

daaw, Ameh! 83;

awwman. Another secret! xD ~ - wants to know who its from - ;; ~ Thank you, though! &3

daaaw ~ Daim, your awesome! 83 - has been wanting one of these for a while -

... another mystery. :O ~

xD ~ Psyren, you spoil me.

Congraduations! A magical piece of parchment paper, neatly rolled and tied, flies out of no where and begins to bop you rather furiously on the head until you actually manage to grab it. |3 You'll notice that it is addressed to you, but is, at the moment, impossible to untie and open. Ha.
HOWEVER. Once it decides it feels like unraveling itself, please follow the instructions printed inside to recieve your Holiday gift, < 3 Until that time, please direct link this to your journal or somewhere where it is safe.
PS:..please don't wrinkle the parchment or use it to bonk anyone else, for the paper is magical and has feelings of it's own. It won't like it. :3
THIS.WILL.BE.OPENING.EARLY. XDDD; Please check to see if it has unraveled itself in about a week. ( December 16-18 )