Today's Character is Seth Aldane.

Age: 17
Nationality: Freizkeilien
Occupation: Recruit
Background: The son of a great hero from the Freizkeil/Giretsu wars, Seth Aldane wants to be a great soldier like his father. He and his childhood sweetheart, Sarah Zelter both joined into the now greatest military force in all of the world, the Freizkeil Imperial Army. He, deep down, wants the current peace that the world has now to last forever, and is willing to sacrifice everything to achieve this goal. He is a lancer in training, and studies at the Serafew military academy.
Personality: He's kindhearted and strong, much like his father. He has a powerful sense of justice, and will stand up against acts of evil.
Some Status Pictures:

Here's his normal in battle image.

Here's his face as he launches an attack.

Here's a happy look, he's just won a battle.

Ouch! It looks like he just took a hit.

Oh no! He's been defeated!