Durem holds so many secrets like.... As I thought upon this I fell upon a thick banana bush. Slowly tumbled into a vine patch. Under me reveal a (Secret society of MONKEYs!!) I must be going crazy!?I thought as I freely hang from the vines. A monkey in a tiger coat looked up to see me. Surprised the monkey started chattering and screeching. Soon a whole colony of monkeys were gazing at me. The vines finally snap and fell before them with a "THUD!"
Looking all across the horizon all I could see were monkeys, treehouses, and a lake the shape of the moon. Soon some monkey guards were poking at me with rotten banana spears. "Wait wait I come in peace!" the still didn't belive me I could tell by their furious faces. I know what could get them It's in here somewhere
I searched my mini pack and brought out a golden, shiny, juicy banana. The all screamed and screeched even the guards jumped and frolicked. From then I was treated like a monkey god. A banana buffet 3 times each day. My tail, paws and Hair were groomed every evening. And I made a friend out of a monkey I named him Momo even though I can't understand his language I can still feel connected to him He understands me and I understands him. One day I asked him to follow me he said yes by a bunch of rapid cheeps. I was staying there for my last day when it happened......when the whole world seemed like it had jumped into chaos.......when everything was aganist me.........
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All is fair in love and war, for they make up the world and shows our inner humanity. [img:b412cc3ac2]http://i36.tinypic.com/34xf777.jpg[/img:b412cc3ac2] PWNAGE! [img:b412cc3ac2]http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:RixPXPISesGAoM:http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/696/rebornic2.png[/img:b412cc3ac2] EVEN MOAR PWNAGE!! (katekyo hitman reborn)