Item Checklist
These are items that I want, in order by what costs most. Sort of. Framed Art #7 is even more rare than the Panda Hat, so it doesn't even have a price *points to bottom* ^-^
ITEM LIST VALUE: 56,066,011 Gold Estimated with known marketplace values on 26 June 2007 Recalculate: http://www.tektek.org/gaia/list/2007~Jun~26~1182854733-61
Panda Hat - 54,999,999 Gold
KiKi Kitty Plushie - 204,589 Gold
Striped Stockings - 77,900 Gold
Jolly Hat - 26,000 Gold
Reindeer Slippers - 9,881 Gold
Gray Striper Helmet - 9,799 Gold
Green Striper Helmet - 8,000 Gold
Blue Striper Helmet - 8,000 Gold
Green Fish Eyes - 3,000 Gold
Blue Fish Eyes - 2,867 Gold
Brown Fish Eyes - 2,800 Gold
Food Chain Silver Striper-Bass-Guppy - 1,700 Gold
Food Chain Green Striper-Bass-Guppy - 1,225 Gold
Food Chain Blue Striper-Bass-Guppy - 1,000 Gold
Sharp Fish Teeth - 930 Gold
Framed Gaia Artwork #07 - 0 Gold
I have no clue what prompted this immediate need to make a list of everything I want. O_O
Oh, and none of these are store items, since store items tend to cost a bit less, yes. Although I do suppose I will eventually want one of each store item. Very eventually. As in, no time in the immediate future. And I'd start out small, like, getting one of each store item at Sasha's or something. ^^;;
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