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If I Fade Away
.....Would anyone notice?
26. Stupid Chores…

We might go to a movie today! Probably the geisha movie, I think but I’m not sure yet about it being a ‘date’ though. It was just innocent and out of the blue. ‘Maybe we should go see a movie?’ Because Wendy doesn’t get off until *maybe* four today (depending on David and Cruz which is like speeding towards DEATH… *BLEH*) Oh and it also surprised me that Niota actually called *me*... Hmm…

For my freakin’ chores I have to wash dishes, do laundry and …. Yeah that’s it – As always. *shrugs* Damnit! 0o0 I should really keep track of the days I do dishes! In fact, I will…

Then again, I didn’t do anything after I went to Niota’s house or before, and during, so I guess that would be kind of fair… *blushes* Ah, my Moon-faced Rako-hime…. ^_^ I had a weird dream, but it’s long forgotten and hardly worth mentioning I suppose.

Anyways, back to this entry…. *blush* Erm-yeah! If she brings along the whole family (or even one person, which is usually the case; 0 …. Since I don’t think anyone would ever consider it a date between us ‘cause we’re friends…. They’re going tome along and make anything I do to her seem wrong or something like that… - - ;;; I dunno what to do about the ‘we’re in public thing’… But so far we’ve gotten a least a little more comfortable about hugging in public? Ah, it’s a start.

Oh, and when I was talking to her… and she said she’d be in a job where she would make like $43 an hour, I was like; 0_0; <- tears. ‘Cause I most likely won’t make anywhere *near* that much. However… Him.. She said that… I wouldn’t have to worry about that because I would be living with her… *blush* I felt so hot right then (not that kind you sicko) you know, like my face? ^,^ It made be really happy to hear her say that. Still, I feel kind of guilty… And if she does have those kinds of feelings for me, maybe I’m going too fast? I should slow down a little… I’ve been in a relationship before, well kinda anyways, and I tend to rush into things just little bit, and I don’t think that’s going to help here at all. I need to take the first inititive true, but I can’t just go in for the throat you know? I think I should stay where I’m at for a little while, at least…