as he enterd the abondon church the only thing greating him were the sounds of ploice sirens and the dead slience. he limped his way toward the altar, leving a blody trail behind him as he walked toward the great stone statue of a man holding his hands out. this pitfil man, this murder, this horrored pice of nonexcintace. he fell flat on his face and crawled toward the man whos face was etiched in stone and looked up and let one tear fall from his eye. gapsing and hurling up blood from his mouth, he sliked wickeldy and said "ooo hair oo hake mea?" as he let this escape his lips, his head hit the ground. the police came in swiftly and quickley seeing the murdder die in front of them. thay were sure he was gone. each of the officers looked up at the geat stone man and sliently prayed "pleze eveone has lost the fath and the world is in crontroll of a deamon evey holy place has been burned, pleze the one calld lord i beg of you stop this madness" as one by one the officers left taking the body of the hero away. later in the paper wich sparked the greatest world wide war, a holy war wich pepol fought for there god and won.
the paper said this: "a man was killed today in a folied kidnaping, the man wich is calld 'the voice god chose' had in fact stopped a kidnapping, wich supected deamon woshpers were tryng to take a child scrafice. he the hero had slan the deamon wshorpers and fled the scean withe the child and returned her to her oringal parents. only after that did the deamon worshpers chase down the hero and a fire fight ensured. later after the police arrived were thay forced to find the hero, who was found in the only suviving church, dead. this man might hopfully be the beggining of a revoultion...we can only pray...
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