Just so you know, I know diddley s**t about Kingdom Hearts.
Yeah, pretty much.
However, I'm an Organization 13 nut.
How did this happen, you ask? Well I'm not sure.
Anyway... not why I'm here.
I'm posting this to introduce a new fandom of mine.
Say hello to Demyx. =]

I always thought that Axel would wind up being my favorite.
Ability to set stuff on fire and all...
Though, I still like Axel. Very much so.
Demyx just sort of became the favorite.
He's just so... bouncy. Seriously.
And, okay. He's kind of a wimp. And a weirdo. But who cares?
That's why he rocks.
It's his silliness that makes him so adorable.
And his hair just might be a part of it too.

So, yes.
Demyx is yet another added to my list of fandoms.

Edit: One more icon!
My friend Ratinha Weevil sent this one to me. XD