That's right. I said it. I hurt my car... again. Six months after I totaled my friggin Nissan, I hit a lady with my Mercury on the way to school. I totally didn't see her coming with the sun and all that and we just hit. She had some damage on her doors and my left front blinker is gone. It was a block from my house. A BLOCK! So, of course, I had to call my parents and they came (because my mom had updated insurance information to give to the officer) and my dad was pissed. He looked at my car, taked to the lady I hit, then came over to me and said "You don't drive anymore." The look on his face screamed "My daughter's such a f*** up." I started crying. My mom tried to get me to calm down but I couldn't with the look of disgust and disappointment on his face. The officer came, took our statements and filed the report. It was 8:30 by then so I had to go home and calm down. My father didn't hesitate to remind me that it's once again my fault the insurance is going up and he's going to crack down on me giving them money every week to help pay for it or he's taking the keys. Plus, I had $350 saved up over the past couple months I was going to use for Christmas shopping but I gave that to my mom when we got home. So, now I am really broke again. And he kept going on about how I'm 22 and should learn from my mistakes and blah blah. (I was so upset I started to tune out what he was saying but I've heard it all before because he lectures me every time I screw up) I kept crying and he kept ranting which made me cry even more. He finally left to take something to work and Mom and I called the insurance company to report the accident and get all that out of the way.
Then, I remembered I am supposed to go to Kent all day tomorrow to watch Frank perform a couple times in the afternoon. I know that's the last thing I should bring up around my father so I sent Frank a text asking if he would give me a ride tomorrow. (A day out of the house while my dad's still on vacation just seems so good, too. If I'm home, he'll just lecture me and get even more pissed and I'll just get even more upset. And, even if he wasn't home, I'd hear it from my grandmother then) He said he would so that'll be nice.
I'm so frazzled right now. I couldn't go to class because doing math is just my least favorite thing in the world and adding that to how my day has just been so wonderful isn't what I want right now. So, I just came to the computer lab to let off some steam in my various blogs. Then, I should be calm enough to go to work. It's only six hours tonight so it's not too bad.
I do have tomorrow to look forward to. Frank's playing with a group at noon tomorrow and his orchestra concert is at 3. Then, my friends from Bible Study are having a Friday the 13th party later in the evening. I was going to spend the day there anyway. And, I'll make it up to him. I'm going to cash my check today and have some spending money after I give my parents the required $50 so I'll treat him to lunch or give him gas money for going out of his way. And, just a day out of the house. It's a better alternative to crawling into a hole for the rest of my life which is what I really want to do.
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