Here's a list of various cosplays that I'm going to strive for. I work day and night, so please, if you say 'Hey Sasuke, you stole that from someone...' I'll say, 'To hell, no I didn't..' it's true. I made these avatars when I first joined gaia, my only friend was Ritorukun and I know her in real life...so...please...get over it....*PS, i'm not cosplaying Rock, I just like his costume...Rito is...*
 (Sora) 5,978
 (Edward) 5,150 *COMPLETE*
 (Kairi) 8,965
 (Aerith) 2,250 *COMPLETE*
 (TenTen) 402,136
 (Rikku) 6,925
 (Vash) 6,695
 (Leon) 79,905
 (Mia) 25,875
 (Lenne) 9,575
 (Cloud) 61,815
 (Training Sasuke) 400,385 *Almost Complete*
 (Kakashi) 403,551 *Almost Complete*
 (Kakashi Anbu) 401,440 *Almost Complete*
 (Rock Lee) 3,550
 (Takuto) 32,585
 (Isaac *GS*) 13,652 *COMPLETE*
 (Link; Twilight) 32,503 *Almost Complete*
 (Princess Zelda) 21,150
 (Prince Marth Lowell) 23,261
 (Ash Ketchum) 6,405
 (Tifa Lockheart) 11,202
 (KOS MOS) 26,323
Soren Raich · Wed Oct 11, 2006 @ 04:27am · 1 Comments |