We come to a town...with no name. Where anime-ish figures are celebrating one of the most popular holidays of the year...HALLOWEEN! WHOO HOO! And you know what Halloween means right?!?! TRICK-OR-TREATING!! CANDY!!! YEAH!! Anyways, we come across our first characters...Naruto (fox), Sasuke (his brother Itachi? Ok?), Sakura (an angel), and Kakashi (a mummy).

*The 4 of them head onto the next house..and come across Yugi and Joey, who are dressed as a cat and a dog.

Naruto- Yeah yeah, but if they mess with me...let's just say they won't have a nice Halloween...BELIEVE IT!!

Yugi- Ok..
As they walk past each other..Joey and Naruto end up getting into a fight about who has the most candy..while the rest of them look on with disgust.

While Joey and Naruto are fighting..the rest of them continue to trick-or-treat, while learning about each other.
Yugi- Soooo...you're a ninja thingy?
Kakashi- Uh...yeah! I guess you could call it that..
Yugi- Is it fun?
Kakashi- *Blinks*
Yugi- I'll take that as a no..*Rings doorbell*
*Random person* Awww! Look at the little trick-or-treatersssss! *Hands them massive amounts of candy*
Yugi- Whoot! Chocolate!
Sasuke- Wow...
Sakura- Hey Sasuke..if you're not busy tonight, maybe we can share chocolate over a movie or something hmm? heart
Sasuke- Um..I'm busy.
Sakura- Aww...
Gotta go again. I'll finish this when I return. (My mom is SUCH a b***h and won't leave me ALONE!)