Hello and welcome to another update on my life!!
It's several months on, and these things have changed:
Kat is no longer obsessed with The Frog*
My birthday has passed...
I'm on holiday
I switched hairstyles
Big Brother is over*
I am hooked on MMPPP
First and foremost, my new hair. Yay my hair. Hair rocks. Anyway I was sick of having such a common do. I had it, then one of my friends got, then another changed hers to it. My dog!!
Next on the agenda, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. It is an anime with mermaid and magical, evil-fighting singing (and cute but kinda slutty outfits). Lots of fighting (singing really), romance and lame stuff like that. but I assure you Big Brother is worse.
Big Brother is the biggest and most widely loved piece of s**t in the known universe. And I have a dog**. I am sooo glad it is over. BLEURRGH what s**t.
I'm on holiday, I'm on holiday!! Yaaaaaaaaaay private school!
(Yes, I am aware that NOW the public schools are on holiday, but I had an extra week. Suck!)
*Hallalujah, hallelujah....
**Though he's cute, so he can get away with it.