Umong the noble and peaceful gaians of this planet lies a special force created by those who rule over Gaia. This special force was created to protect it's people, until one day they just vanished. At the time no one realy seemed bothered with it, the only problems were occasional pety theives. One peaceful day a series of strange events occured, among these events was the silent but noticable rise of an evil creature, Soren, The Demon King. Soren was sealed inside Gaia, before Gaians appered, by an unknown force. Now that he has arisen the people of Gaia, who posses powers of thier own, have tried to fight the demons known as Scyz (S*ki*ez). Gaian are strong but were not strong enough, they needed a hero, they needed a savior, and for five years have had nothing but pain. The Demon King has yet to completely take over Gaia. Now after five years, and ten years missing in action, the special force, known as The Gaurdsmen, have come to save Gaia from Soren.
Next time...
Soren A Kid!!!!!!
Also keep a look out for Mono to arive soon to Gaia. Who is Mono? Well...
Breif Summary:
Mono - 19, Has the ability to make himself see only black and white to expose his enemy's weakness in color
Anthony - 19, An african American male that is highly inteligent but has a bad attituted. He created "Power Glove" which he and Mono use. Mono's gloves are able to work like a computer using air particles to dosplay a screen and keybaord. Anthony, being a bit stronger, has glove that can crate and munipulate fire.
Tasha - 19, Mono's girlfriend, she normally hang out with her friends while Mono and Anthony are fighting monsters.
The Story (The short version):
A young man from Tokyo, Japan, named Mono, had moved to the United States at the age of 13. Since than he has been friends with Anthony and his gurlfreind Tasha. For as long as they can remember they have lived their lives waiting on the day a strange man told them, "One day, when the government completes it's research you and two others will be needed to destroy it at all cost.". The group, Mono, Anthony, And Tasha are now 19 and for three years have been fighting random monsters. Monsters which have different ranks, five in all. E, being the weakest, and A, being the strongest almost god like. The have never fought anything over a weak Class C until know. The third member of the group is a mysterious man that has stolen the government technology and has used it to summon greater, stronger monsters. Lower class monsters were very easy to beat and almost unnoticable but C and up class are huge building crushing monsters. The police and military beleive Mono and Anthiny are the cause of this, therefor they are both heroes and fugetives. Mono and Anthony bearly beat weak Class C monsters and fear that these may just kill them.
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Join Derrel, Terri, and Daneil as they fight for Earth against the millionaire Christopher Paine. Enjoy Later.
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gaia_angelleft In the eyes of a Ranger... gaia_nitemareright
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