Well, I found out why I have such a low grade in History.
The teacher lost one of my assignments.
It hasn't been found yet.
Meh... oh well.
I'll just keep turning assignments in,
and it's sure to go up in no time.
Now, what I really started this entry for.
Eggs! I got a few more.

[ Names ]
1. Princess Sophia
2. Daikon Mochi
3. Egg Jr. ( the second )
4. Kapusta
5. Fatty McEaterson
I'll probably have one in every batch named Egg Jr. Just because.
As for some of the other names here...
Daikon Mochi is Japanese for turnip.
Kapusta is Russian for cabbage.
And Princess Sophia is a result of me watching
How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days.
Don't ask.
And speaking of cabbage...
I found out today that Kohl is the German word for cabbage.
So I'm told anyway.
Kohls = cabbages?