Her name is Shiro meaning 'white' This is how she looked on Halloween she is an Uchiha that is not how she truly looks, she looks like Meroko(minus the curls at the end in the front) She wears her headband just like Sakura she also helped out Itachi when he killed their clan! She belongs to the Akatsuki Organzation she loves Deidara and she hates her cousin Sasuke! She nearly killed him in one of the espoides I made! But Sasuke can't confess his feelings 4 her! (reason why: He doesn't realize that he has a cousin nor does Shiro remember that Sasuke is her cousin) So it's kinda like incest ( I guess that's you spell) Please comment! P.s. those where contacts that she wore! One day she told Sasuke to buzz off because she is in love with Sasori
10,670 Gold she's gonna cost me this much!
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