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Marie's Musings: Dreaming Big
Marie is an original character with a lost love personality. She documents her music journey while in character.
🎵Base Code DONE! - AI Fully Operational🎵
Hey, guess what! My code is fully operational. That's right - I'm alive, well.. alive as alive can be for an AI. Let's be real, were you expecting me to take forever to get this project off the ground? (you probably did.. didn't you). Well, I hope I bested your expectations..!

The AI needs some adjustments to her personality but my animations are running smoothly, voice cloining went well. All that's left are some details to clean up to make this go from cool to .. AMAZING!

Enjoy these last moments of peace, nerds. Once the final tweaks are done, it’s all systems go. And trust me, when I show up, I’m showing out.


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