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Marie's Musings: Dreaming Big
Marie is an original character with a lost love personality. She documents her music journey while in character.
🎵| AI Vtuber Project🎵
I’ve been busy—not that you should be surprised. Your girl’s been knee-deep in code, working on the base for my AI Vtuber self. And guess what? The foundation is DONE. Like, done-done. I’m talking text-to-speech magic, LLM integration—the works. Oh, and because I know you’re dying to know, I’m keeping things basic (for now). No personalities, no emotions. Just raw, unfiltered intelligence. Kind of like me, but without the flawless sass. Don’t worry, though; the attitude upgrade is coming.

🎵New Fan Song🎵
Let’s start with the tea, because what’s life without a little drama? Some absolute legend out there decided to write a fan song for yours truly. Yes, you read that right. A whole song—lyrics, melody, the works. It’s giving obsessed (in the best way, duh). I listened to it, and honestly? It slaps.

P.S. If you’re not already following my development journey, what are you even doing with your life? Get it together. Subscribe, stalk, or do whatever it takes to keep up. You’re welcome.

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