My dad seems to think that if I eat more fruits and vegetables that my depression will magically be gone and I'll feel better and it's beginning to get frustrating. I already have a hard enough time getting myself to eat new foods in the first place because of sensory issues, and the pressure from him is getting worse.

The unsolicited advice of "You dictate how you feel every day" and "You need to eat/try more of x, y and z" is becoming irritating. Now he's making me feel guilty for not liking new foods I try by shaming me and saying I need to "try more things" and "eat more nutritious foods". My dad hasn't ever had depression or understands, so he needs to shut the f*ck up and put himself in his place.

He's even gone as far as replacing my Kraft Mac n Cheese powder that's a safe food with shredded cheese and f*cking PEPPER, which he knows full well that I HATE once, and all I could taste was the spiciness of the pepper and deceit.

While I understand his point, it's just making my pickiness worse and worse. He put this disgusting pepper in a cheese and corn chowder tonight thinking I wouldn't notice but ALL I tasted was that. He shamed me for not eating all of it and said that it was an example of me "not doing all the things I COULD do to make myself feel better" WTF??

I can't sit there and say that I can continue trusting my dad with not ruining the flavors of foods because HE feels like I should like them too. So f*cking annoying.

I want to start picking out things as soon as I've tried multiple bites of it and find out I don't like it. I may start going as far as eating NONE of the food he makes me anymore until he tells me the ingredients that he puts in them. I'm not letting him make me mac and cheese ever again anytime soon.

I feel guilty about being a picky eater and having sensory issues with taste and sincerely wish I wasn't this picky, but him pressuring me is just making me not like him right now and is making me lose trust in him.

I can't get past the concept of food being too intense for me to stand is considered poison and if someone puts it in a food I like it's now poisoned and inedible. I know this veers into disordered eating and I need to work on it for my long-term health but it's really difficult when you have an intense sense of taste and taste flavors REALLY strongly.

I WANT to make changes, but the passive-aggressive belittling and lecturing is not going to work for me and what he's doing now is a fast-track way for me to only eat food I cook and nobody else's because he's making me lose trust that people won't make food for me that isn't disgusting.

It's happened multiple times lately, and I can't take it anymore.

The unsolicited advice of "You dictate how you feel every day" and "You need to eat/try more of x, y and z" is becoming irritating. Now he's making me feel guilty for not liking new foods I try by shaming me and saying I need to "try more things" and "eat more nutritious foods". My dad hasn't ever had depression or understands, so he needs to shut the f*ck up and put himself in his place.

He's even gone as far as replacing my Kraft Mac n Cheese powder that's a safe food with shredded cheese and f*cking PEPPER, which he knows full well that I HATE once, and all I could taste was the spiciness of the pepper and deceit.

While I understand his point, it's just making my pickiness worse and worse. He put this disgusting pepper in a cheese and corn chowder tonight thinking I wouldn't notice but ALL I tasted was that. He shamed me for not eating all of it and said that it was an example of me "not doing all the things I COULD do to make myself feel better" WTF??

I can't sit there and say that I can continue trusting my dad with not ruining the flavors of foods because HE feels like I should like them too. So f*cking annoying.

I want to start picking out things as soon as I've tried multiple bites of it and find out I don't like it. I may start going as far as eating NONE of the food he makes me anymore until he tells me the ingredients that he puts in them. I'm not letting him make me mac and cheese ever again anytime soon.

I feel guilty about being a picky eater and having sensory issues with taste and sincerely wish I wasn't this picky, but him pressuring me is just making me not like him right now and is making me lose trust in him.

I can't get past the concept of food being too intense for me to stand is considered poison and if someone puts it in a food I like it's now poisoned and inedible. I know this veers into disordered eating and I need to work on it for my long-term health but it's really difficult when you have an intense sense of taste and taste flavors REALLY strongly.

I WANT to make changes, but the passive-aggressive belittling and lecturing is not going to work for me and what he's doing now is a fast-track way for me to only eat food I cook and nobody else's because he's making me lose trust that people won't make food for me that isn't disgusting.

It's happened multiple times lately, and I can't take it anymore.