Gaian name: zenjimin
Name: zenjimin
Weapons sad (guns are allowed)) Phoenix blade: rowan staf
Powers: able to summon the sprit of the phoenix
Family: orphan at age 10, father: billious (cheif of the island) other: unknown
Other: summon phoenix, superhuman speed, cyclone cut, flight, hour of the orange sky, festival spin
Bio: Zenjimin or Benjamin is an elf who came from the island of Sacremento. He left there after being orphaned by a warlord called dorfo. He hopes to right the wrong to him and help those in need

Name: zane
Age: 16
Gender: male
Race: elven

Personality: a qurky elf who has a surprizenly hight IQ
Bio: he is a decendent of one of the greatest wind mage known in the history. It is said that in hard times the sprit of that mage takes over zane to finish the job
Weapons: an enchanted sword
Position: forest mage, wind
Other: he can minipulate wind to his will but it takes a great stress on his body
Character Name: zenjimin
Appearance (Pic preffered, but description is ok):

Race(Limit of 2 mixes): elven
Approximate age: 29
Class: champion
Bio: an orphan at a young age he was forced to take care of himself at a very young age. one night in a vision while he sleeped on the steps of a temple the mighty phoenix came to him and gave him a gift of a special sword. with this enchanted sword his powers progressed rapidly from speed to inteligence and at the age of 19 he had already mastered the ability to summon the sprit of the phoenix from the blade. In the triogly of summon beast he joins a hero to stop an evil madman intened to destroy the planet.
Misc: able to summon the phoenix out of his patented blade, also capable of easaly mastering other wepons... even if he does have a speach impediment
Weapons(Optional): enchanted sword. rowan staf
gaia name: zenjimin
name: worren
age: 17
personality: a free sprited charater who does what needs to be done for another
bio sad optional) he was an average high school student who always wanted to be free from everyday life
four digit test number: 1575
location of test number: sholder
animal you can turn into: bird (hawk to be exact)
caller: airforce wings

animal form:

name: Zenjimin
eliment: wind
name of your dragon: Murtagh
wepon of choice: staf, sword
spells you learned: cyclone cut, tornado, whiplash,
bio: an elf who hopes to one day fly higher then possible into the heavens, he always likes to enjoy life and is rather inteligent