Another random entry of mine... A bit more than a week ago, dad bought a box of tempura batter mix. I love, love, LOOOOVE tempura shrimps. Since he purchased it I can't stop annoying him with my 'Daaaad will you make some for dinner? Dad pweaaaaase!' And he won't. Yesterday I asked him and I succeeded making him promise! But YA KNOW WHAT!? He left to eat at his friends' with mom! But DAAAAD you promised you would! Each time I search for food I fall on this little box. And I dribble. I want teh tempura. NOW. Look at this huge, perfectly fried shrimp on the front box...aaaaw...*chews on the box* I want it! I can't stop staring at it!
 Lol yeah I have it in front of me while writing...ahem...yeah, why am I not preparing it myself? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE FRYING OIL WITHOUT SEVERELY BURN MYSELF? Impossible...and I would make s**t everywhere in the kitchen, and be too lazy to wash it. Lmao... Even teh Kira of doom wants it!
 She gets closer...
 And closer...
 And CHOMP! This box looks so heavenly tasty!
Hikage wants TEMPURA SHRIMPS!!!!
Wicked S0ul · Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 01:34am · 0 Comments |