My OkCupid Test!
 You're a SCARY yaoi fangirl.
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Completely Out-There! You don't purposefully try to be different, it just happens! You just like a complete variety of things and like to try new things at every opportunity. People tend to think that they are finally beginning to understand you just to be completely proven wrong next time you meet. People find it hard to truely get to know the real you because you are forever changing, forever on the move. But that's ok. You wouldn't have it any other way. You like your eccentricities. They make life interesting!
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You are artistic, imaginative, and sensitive. You are often caught daydreaming, although this is when you usually have your best ideas. There may be alot of changes in your life but nothing is too great for you to conquer. You are young at heart. You tend to enjoy all the little things even if they are a bit childish. You also have alot of dreams and ideas. Sometimes you just want to be alone, to think about everything Your boyfriend doesnt have to be the most hansom or the most clever, he just has to have something special that grabs your attention. You're a very caring and considerate person. Sometimes you think about cheating and if the opertunity arises it's a possibilty that you would welcome it with open arms but then again you might shove it away and dismiss it immediately. It all depends on how much you care about your current partner. You pay attention to details and you are very creative. Your friends love being around you because you are always a blast to hang out with.
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You are Milk Chocolate A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.
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<table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" align=center> <font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'> <strong>You Are From Mercury</strong> </font></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <center><img src="" height="100" width="100"></center> <font color="#000000"> You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows.<br /> You probably never leave home without your cell phone!<br /> You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you.<br /> You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer.<br /> Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything. </font></td></tr></table> <div align="center"><a href="">What Planet Are You From?</a></div>
Infomaniac Girl · Sun Aug 06, 2006 @ 05:21am · 0 Comments |