I found out today that spending a year without PE
didn't hurt my flexibility at all.
Hurray! =D
I can stretch farther than most students in my class.
[ thank you Martial Arts classes! ]
And yet... it hurt to stretch that much.
But that was the fault of a bad stomach cramp.
In other news... I'm like, really bored.
So I've decided to post some cool Inuyasha icons
that I found yesterday.
For lack of anything better to post at the time.
Other than "Oh em gee, I'm still flexible! Yayz!".

My current sig picture. I luff this icon. Cute and sad.

Also cute and sad. May be my sig pic by next week.

Ginta's having a moment. =o

Why yes. Yes he will. =D


Another lovely Kagura/Sesshoumaru icon.

Yes. I love this pairing very much, in case you were wondering. =]

*dramatic music plays* XD

Ha ha. =D

Riding Kagome's bike. He looks like he's having such fun.

Totally checking her out. Totally. *wants so badly to see that episode*

And... my favorite Sessh/Kagura icon that I have in my files. <3
[ Odd that even though I'm mainly a fan of the wolf demons...
my favorite pairing in the series has nothing to do with any of them. =o ]
All I have for now. Sadly.
I shall post more when I find more.