I scared myself with a
Spongebob band-aid yesterday.
How does that work?
Well, earlier that day I was in the garage,
talking on the phone and trying to brush my cats,
who kept running from me of course.
I finally catch Neko, who gives up and lets me brush him.
And as I'm doing that, Kilala comes up behind me and attacks the end
of this long green skirt I was wearing.
And of course, as I'm trying to get her to release my skirt, Neko runs for it.
So I brush Kilala for a bit,
and then she decides she's had enough and leaves too.
Well, while I'm walking around in the garage,
she suddenly starts chasing me around,
attacking my skirt again.
She continued to do this after I got off the phone,
so I reached down and started scratching her stomach.
And she clawed me, and put a hole in my finger.
It happens.
And of course, the only band-aid I can find in the house
is this old Spongebob band-aid that my friend Carol left at my house
last year.
One of the few she left anyway.
It's a glow-in-the-dark bandage, apparently. But I didn't know this.
So later on, I'm about to fall asleep.
I move my hand, and I see "flash!".
And it scared me for like... three seconds...
until I realized it was Spongebob on the band-aid.
As if I wasn't jumpy enough because some animal outside
broke the dead middle-of-nowhere silence with a loud screech...
like 15 minutes before the bandage incident.
So... yes.
I was frightened by a band-aid.
And while we're on the topic
of things that glow in the dark.

Um.. yes. The icon has bad grammar.
"U" instead of "you".
It's still funny as hell though.
In other news...
I really need to find something
more interesting to talk about in here.