I just realized that he wasn't in my journal.
So I had to fix that.
Goshinki is for Inuyasha role plays only.
This character tends to confuse people when they see his name,
but just read his bio, and you'll have a better idea of where this is going.
Appears 10-11 (isn't even a year old)
Mind-reading demon (Naraku's incarnation)

Two giant sythe-looking structures, like giant retractable claws, that form from his arms just above the wrists. They are usually kept hidden until he needs them.
Goshinki still has his old mind-reading ability. He also has newer tricks, such as moving objects or people with his mind (telekinesis), and creating (though not very powerful) barriers.
Goshinki was Naraku's third incarnation, and the first one to be killed by Inuyasha.
Naraku created a new improved version of the demon, for purposes only known to him.
However, because all Goshinki's hatred was sealed away
in the sword Tokijin, when it was created from the fangs of his former self,
Goshinki isn't exactly the same cruel monster he once was.
Goshinki has no memory of his former self, though he often has nightmares and random flashbacks having to do with the other Goshinki, and the death he suffered
He usually follows Kagura around, afraid to stay around Naraku.
The two of them are very close,
although Kagura pretends to merely tolerate him.
Goshinki is very unlike Naraku's other incarnations, as far as personality.
He has a friendly, childish nature to him most of the time. Goshinki hates to fight unless he really has to, but is often forced to do so by Naraku.