Do not question the title.
I really don't know where it came from.
No, this entry does not have
anything to do with fries.
Strange things just appear in that top box
when I can't think of a proper title.
- Gaia Troubles -
Is it possible to stab a website to death?
I didn't think so... but a girl can dream.
There's apparently an issue with the database.
It won't let me reply in any topics. So,
I must wonder.
Is anyone else having this problem,
or is it just me..?
Well... anyway.
I'm stuck writing in my journal instead.
Totally sucks. I just joined another guild
like two minutes ago.
I want to post in the pretty new guild.
- School -
Well, school starts again next week.
As excited as I am, I kind of don't want to go back.
I like not having to wake up at six in the morning.
But, at the same time...
I'm bored.
And I want to play with Photoshop.
But, I don't want to go to Geometry.
I hate math... with a passion.
Like I hate homework with a passion.
But I'll have that too.
- As Far As Halloween -
I've officially decided what
I'm going to be for Halloween this year.
Assuming I go anywhere.
I'll probably be a doll,
since I wouldn't have to buy anything for the costume.
I thought about being Shigure Sohma,
but I don't know how I'd get the stuff for that.
A doll is just easier to do.