Low prices promotes hoarding, which leads to scarcity, which causes inflation. It's basic economics. My high prices aren't the problem, it's the empty markets. If an item is unlisted you should be listing high. You should be encouraging others to be undercutting you. A healthy market takes a lot of moving parts. If you're sitting on stacks of items not listing them until abp spikes, you are the problem. If you think people are listing too low, list up. There is no excuse for the market to be as empty as it is. Buying low and selling high is normal. Refusing to sell your items when you have multiples you never use is what's weird. Inflation is not my fault. People will always take the high price if it's the only thing they can find. I know how markets work and they don't work at all if there's nothing in them.
 Art by: Black_666_Metal