Yet another RP character of mine.
I usually play him alongside Magdalyn.
Nicholas [ Nick ]
Human/avian hybrid

[ his wings are black ]
Fists, feet, and wings.
He also carries a fold-out sythe.
He can read minds, as well as control them.
Example, he can make someone collapse and fall asleep,
simply by telling them to do so.
However, he doesn't have the power, or the will for that matter,
to kill someone with this power.
Nicholas is also a very good mimic.
He can change the sound of his voice
to exactly match various voices he hears,
and often uses this trick as a form of confusing enemies,
or playing pranks on friends.
Like Maggie, he is paranoid and has a difficult time trusting people.
However, he is a bit more outgoing than his younger flock sibling.
Nicholas is blind,
but has taught himself to "see" using other methods.
Such as reading the slightest changes in the air,
listening for different sounds,
or simply by reading minds of those around him.
At the times I play Maggie as an 11-year-old,
I play Nicholas as a 12-year-old.
I often play them together as brother and sister as well.
However, they aren't originally blood siblings at all.