Heaving a heavy sigh of most likely boredom, the spirit detectives walked around as much of the dark world of death as they could, oddly enough, the world of tormented souls was not as full of depressed souls as one would first guess.
The clouds above them may be dark and gloomy, foretelling a story of pain and suffering that would last for all eternity..but the inhabitants who dwelled within this world of bleak skies, they were at most, living their pre-afterlife in peace.
Well, most of them were anyways....
" DAMN YOU ! COME BACK HERE YOU STUPID NAZI! I WANNA POKE YOUR EYES OUT YOU NAZI LOVIN' FAT LADY!" Screeching with all his might, The one, the only : MICHELL (from the Shadow Clan) ran around chasing an overweight Nazi women, who looked like she was about ready to die of fright before she was about to keel over from lack of physical fitness training.
"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!" Tackling the lady to the ground, Mich, stared at her with his eyes ablaze, his own flaming red hair sat tossled and mussed upon his dirty, sweaty face.
"TAKE. THAT. BACK!" Growling like a lion in a cage full of dancing turkies, Mich gritted his teeth and shook from anger, his raspy voice echoing like a nails on a chalkboard throughout most of the LOTS.
"Uhh..whoa, who's the nutcase?" Directing his question at a little bald-headed girl who only reached up to about his knees, Yusuke pointed over at Mich and the fat lady, his eyes blinking with a clueless look to them.
"Oh, that just Michell. He nice..but..angry ...I tink he upset dat boy over t-tere.." With a small thin finger, she pointed over towards a small freckle faced boy, with tossled brown hair mushed underneath a tattered blue hat. Stitched onto his jacket was the gloden star of David. Tears were streaming down his face as he stood sobbing loudly while clutching onto the waist of an older girl with blonde hair.
Kurama winced as he listened to the young girl speak, she looked foreign yes..but..he hated to listen to ungrammitically correct speech.
"Uh..well, thank you, but...if you may answer me one question?" Kurama's emerald eyes peirced through her own delicate green eyes, and with a smile she nodded slowly and held tightly onto her worn out doll.
"We've heard something about a - a ..ceremony of some kind that is taking place tonight. By chance would you know when and where it'll be?"
Waiting for her to reply,Kurama stood in silence when an ear-splitting noise arose them back to the strange fight still taking place behind them.
" THAT'LL TEACH YA, YOU UGLY MEANIE! I MAY HAVE DIED OF ANOREXIA, BUT GEEZ..EVEN I DIDN'T IMAGINE MYSELF AS FAT AND ICKY AS YOU!" Wiping his nose with his sleeve, the boy walked away from the lady he had poked, kicked, bit, and even drooled on. Reaching the detectives, the boy moved next to the bald little girl and snorted louldy.
"You guys wanna know about the Intitation Ceremony...Geez..what a bunch or nit-wits. " Flinching slightly, Mich saw the crimson eyed boy behind Kurama glared coldly at him, his eyes were so..scary!
"Eh..well..anyways, what I MEANT was, the Initiation Ceremony is for all the new arrivals that enter into our little world of gloom and doom, and on the night of the 'Two Moons Crossing', everyone comes around to the Central square to watch the newbies get signed into the Book of the Dead. Its kinda sad though...people talking about pain and suffering the whole time....I swear...if you like going to that stuff your some sort of weirdo.."
The girl next to him nodded her head slowly, her pale face was colored with a slight red blush as he spoke.
"Heh, thanks Michell. We'll be seeing ya..." Waving his hand back at them, the detectives sauntered over towards the Central Square in hopes of seeing this ceremony of death.
"HEY HEY! GRIMMY! WATCH THIS!" Placing two sticks into his nose holes on his skull, Jack took a deep breath and then rocketed the two sticks like missles right smack into the eyes of a not so happy reaper.
"AHAH!! SEE! I DID IT! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN WHAT HAPPENED TO CROW WHEN I-" His laughter was cut short as Grim jabbed his sythe violently into Jack's ribcage.
"WILL YOU QUIT IT! I am TRYING to work here you loud-mouthed ninny!" Turning his back to Jack, Grim sighed and mummbled to himself. " Maybe Billy wasn't so bad after all..."
"HMPH! Grim's no fun..." Kicking a nearby rock, Jack sighed feeling depressed. He only wanted to have fun, but NO, Grim was all about the RULES this, or..the SAFTEY OF OTHERS..or ..some type of crap like that. " Man..I-" His empty eye sockets widened, up above him, floating in the dark cloudy sky, were the Council of Ever-After members; their eyes were white and emotionless, staring down at him they didn't look at all amused. Jack's petrified stomach lurched down to his shoes like he was on a roller coaster. "Uhh...I think..I'll go look for the newbie..yea, the newbie.." Stammering, Jack raced off towards the tree that marked the Pumpkin Clan's territory.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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