Meg's s**t.
Community Member
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 @ 04:39pm
Etoile WIP
~! F•I•N•I•S•H•E•D !~

TOTAL MARKET VALUE: 1,336,342p 1 Angelic Halo 3,430,170p ✓1 Oisin's Visage 3,927p ✓1 Graceful Dream Chimes Runaway 6,176p ✓1 Some Bunny Graces You 1,718p ✓1 La Belle's Discordant Smile 9,242p ✓1 Sleepy Starbabies Prism 17,358p ✓1 Hermes of the Graceful Moon 3,151p ✓1 Enchantresses Twintails v2 10,784p ✓1 Catch These Paws 14,546p ✓1 Graceful Prose 7,411p ✓1 Gracefully TT n TT 14,065p ✓