Then again, I guess it's a bit fair. I mean, the next semester has started up for me again so I'll be a bit busier and such. That, and I think for the last few days I've been feeling a bit more down in spirits. Ah! Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate a lot of the gifts (and also undeserved attention and affection from some) but at the same time, there were just some things that kinda got me down a bit.
Maybe it's just a small thing to note, maybe it's not worthwhile to even mention but I just want to say something about it anyway.... Please, if you're in a crew and you're in a voice chat with other peeps.....please just keep it within the voice chat. I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I really don't like it when people are in a voice chat but still insist on using the in-game chat to make comments/reactions. It.....doesn't provide context, makes the other crew members who are not in the crew feel left out, and I find it to be overall a little rude to the other members. So please, if you're going to make a comment or reaction to the voice chat, keep it in the voice chat messages.
It makes me feel both left out and sad. Not only that, I've also had cases where people have just stopped doing anything because they're in the voice chat......WHILE they're in a crew for something else, like DMS. Like please, if you're going to brb then say so. If you're dying of laughter, I may as well let you die and have you leave the crew because you're being more of a liability than a CL10 who refuses to listen to what to do for DMS.
If you're going to voice chat, I don't mind if you keep it there. Just don't let it affect gameplay if you're going to play the game. Sorry if this offended anyone, but I've had several cases happen several times and I've been feeling irritated and fed up with it.
Personally, I'm not a fan of voice chats. My headset broke so I don't exactly have a working mic and I'm also aware that if other crew members know about the voice chat but aren't a part of it, they may feel left out. That said, I'm not completely against them either. It's just that level of social interaction is a bit high for me.

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