Lake Kindred Questions 1 [answered]
I have been on hiatus and when I came back this game was the new thing since zOMG was taken down. Which by the way, I am super excited for it to be coming back! That is one reason I am now active again. emotion_yatta
But anyways, I have a bunch of questions about LK.
- What are amulets? Amulets are a new feature that adds bonuses to your kins. Only certain amulets can be attached onto random kins, and the slots that a kin get seem to be random. To see what amulet shapes (out of square (common), circle, and diamond (rarest)), while your at your camp in LK, click "My Kins". When on a kin, click the "Equipt Items" tab at the top of the LK page, then click "Reveal" to see what sockets that kin has.
- What is a "tree killer?" I see it all over the forums... The second map in LK is 'Kindred wilds'. On the 4th and 5th stages of that map, the tree like kins Sycamorte and Phantom Sycamorte pop up. These guys are pretty much, sorta kinda, the bosses of the whole game, as not too many kins can kill them without trouble, and because their best drop is 1b or 2b in pure gold. (I am able to run my charity off of the gold I farm from sycamorte) A tree killer is a kin that can kill sycamorte/phantom sycamorte without too much trouble. The two best kins, in order, are Watermeat and Sakura Pegacorn Fluff, which is often just called a Sakura. (A sakura is what I have) And of course, tree killers are lv 50. A lv 50 Sakura can kill a phantom syca. in 7-8 hits I believe, and a regular syca. in about three. (If/when you get a tree killer, I recommend ignoring phantoms and just going for regular syca's. They are much easier to kill than phantoms. (best strategy is to only kill Sycamorte, and run away from everything else.))
- How do you get kin? There are pretty much 3 ways. 1. Buy it from the MP 2. Buy it from the GC shop (only some kin are available here at times) 3. Fight the kin in game for a change to get a kin of that kin (Ex: When fighting a willow croak, there is a chance for you to get a willow croak from it as the battle reward from that battle)
- Do the "type" of kin matter in battle? ...This is the only question you have that I don't know the answer too. sweatdrop There might be a bit of a type advantage or disadvantage thing, like in Pokemon? In fact, I think there is, but idk what any of it is. sweatdrop
- How to remove poison besides potion? There are only two way's to get rid of it. 1. Use a potion 2.Wait it out After a few turns or a battle or two I believe, the poison will wear off.
- I am currently on the third battle... I keep replaying until I level up. Am I doing that right? Technically it's the third stage, not the third battle. Besides calling it battle, you are doing it right. Sadly, LK is a game with a lot of grinding in it. 'XD
- On the wikia, some Kins say they are only available on the MP. Where do the people selling them on MP get them? Are some of them special GC items? If so that is ridiculous... Yes. Either they buy them from the GC shop, or, some kins (EX: Bunny Ranger Castor, Sonare, Frosty(?) Fafnir, Merry Stagony) can be crafted through alchemy. It's only really holiday/holiday versions of kins that can be crafted though. Keep in mind though, that this is something that very much sounds like a decision that goldemort (leader of old management) would make. I'm not sure when this started, as i was on a 2 year hiatus when Lanzer left and management changed and LK came to the site, but it would not surprise me if it was all goldemort and his team that did it. I see no harm with some kin's being GC exclusive. Other poeple will be able to get them, as other people will buy them and sell them. Like, for the most part, Sakura's come from the GC shop. You CAN get sakura's from fighting sakura's in the Zen Temple stage, or from a sycamorte seed*, but the chances are VERY slim.
*A Sycamorte/Phantom Sycamorte seed are RIG's that, respectivley, drop from sycamorte and phantom sycamorte. When you open ths RIG, you get a kin. Most of the time you will get a shitty kin like one of the starters (leafkit, echo, cubdrop, or aerling) or other crappy kin like willow croak, pixie croak, etc. But, occasionally you can get better kin that sell for, say, 5b-20b, or evensome that sell for more than that. Pretty much the best kin you can get from it is a sakura, as you can train it up to lv 50 to be a tree killer, and/or you can sell it. Sakura's pretty much are always selling for 400b+
- So there are 2 different Kindred items per actual kin? I just bought one for 4 GC in the MP and I guess it's only the equip-able version of the Kin... Luckily the Kin I wanted was only 87k. But still. There is one item for LK and one item to equip? How would you obtain both without buying them? Nope. There is only one version of a kin. Take a look at what happen's when I search "Watermeat" in the MP. Look at the three ones at the bottom. The egg shaped one with "[Kindred]" at the start of its name is the actual kin, the kindred, of Watermeat. The "Kindred Watermeat" one is an equiptable item. If you have a kin and you level it to level 10, you will get the equiptable version of the kin. A few levels after 10, you will also get the par version of the equipt item for the kin. That is the "[Animal] Kindred Watermeat" that you see above the egg one.
- When obtaining a low-level Kin from the MP (or however else, I have not received on in a drop yet) the only way to level it up is to go back to battle one and farm it? Or am I missing something? I'm a little confused by this question. When you get a new kin, you have to add it to your party. (My Kins page -> click on the kin you want to add to your party -> click "Bring to battle" wink After you have added it to your party, then you have to battle with it to level it up, just like your starter kin you got. When you go to a stage to battle in it, in the thing that pops up on the left side of your screen is where all the kin you have in your party are located. You can have up to 5 kin in your party at one time, and when that thing pops up at the start of a battle, you simply select the kin that you want to fight with in that battle.