 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ρ є r ѕ σ η α ℓ • ∂ α т α|├▬ Full Name: Shinomu Takaro Nickname: Shin, Tak Age: 18 Birthdate: Feb. 14 Gender: Male
Height: 5'11" Weight: 164lbs
Nindo: “Be the silent judge.” Personality: Shinomu is innocuous. Not really offensive or noticeable, he tends to stand aside when possible and maintain a very bystander view of the world. He'd rather observe history than be recognized by it but he does have designs on changing history. His biggest aspiration is to become an anbu/onin, to move in the shadows and change things without being seen. He's a quiet person, only moving the precise amount necessary to get him from point A to point B. Shinomu's greatest joy is being able to come into a room without anyone hearing him. If he could, he wouldn't be seen either but it's hard to achieve recognition for your goals when no one can see you accomplish them. He desperately tries to be invisible, altering aspects of himself to increase his unnoticeability. Despite this, he has a fiery temper when it comes to defending people who can't or won't defend themselves. His strong sense right and wrong often have him locking horns with other people who may not agree with what he says is right or wrong. Shinomu is also a social animal, as all humans are, and does strive to have friends. That this is so at odds with his general appearance and goals makes him a very sad person. He’s a quietly desperate lover of life who is finding he’s deprived himself of the very things he wants so badly.
Village: Kirigakure (Lanfaer approved) Title: Genin Rank: D-Rank Shinobi First Class: Bukijutsu ____Discipline → Mystic Hero Second Class: Sensor ____Discipline → Resolution
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c σ м в α т • ∂ α т α|├▬ Bloodline: N/A Integrity: +1 PA, +15 chakra/stamina a rank, +2 custom slots
Chakra Pool: 125+ 225= 350 Stamina Pool: 125+ 25= 150 Chakra Element: Fire, Earth Chakra Color: Milk Gray Chakra Materialization: A partially gaseous form that floats around him like a hazy fog, obscuring and distorting. Sometimes it flares out around his face, clearing briefly before returning.
Passive Status Increases: • Strength ► {Total Bonus} →→ {Where does this come from?} • Speed ► {Total Bonus} →→ {Where does this come from?} • Reflex ► {Total Bonus} →→ {Where does this come from?} • Fortitude ► {Total Bonus} →→ {Where does this come from?}
Strengths: • “Shin who?” His appearance has been so perfected in terms of bland and uninteresting that he is often forgotten by those who only briefly interact with him. This allows him to listen in on conversations or set up attacks if he keeps himself out of the sight of those he’s interested in. • “Silent walker” Has trained his natural ability to walk gently so that when he chooses, he can walk in nearly total silence with shoes and total silence when barefoot. He walks lightly on his toes and the balls of his feet, wearing a modified version of flats or socks to achieve this. Barefoot, he makes no noise unless wearing clothing that is stiff or not his usual attire. • “Speak quietly” His voice is a mix of sub vocal usage and nasal manipulation to change his voice into a quieter, more boring tone of voice. He frequently sounds bored but can change his tone at will and can use this skill in his genjutsu to create a more harmonious, and therefore almost hypnotic, tone to keep people listening. Weaknesses: • “Repetition” Because of his skills at being bland and boring, he’s often forgotten or overlooked. While this might be a strength, it prevents him from getting attention when he needs it. As such, he often misses out on making friends and is therefore socially inadequate. It’s a work in progress, being invisible and having a team. • “Master Come Lately” He’s not a fast person. Even if he were naturally a fast person, his determination to be unnoticed and be an anbu/onin prevents him from actually moving any faster than a normal shinobi. He’ll make a good spy…if he ever gets anywhere on time. • “Blind Ambition” His desire to become an anbu/onin is the singularly most important thing to him in the world. This drive is good but it also has made him slightly bull headed in matters of motivation and alternative paths. Fears: • “Lonely Heart Syndrome” Having been forgettable from a young age, even when he was trying to be noticed, Shinomu has been alone most of his life. Even his parents would forget about him unless he spoke. Therefore, he has developed a fear that he feels is shameful: that he’ll always be alone. Alone romantically, without friends, homeless, it’s a constant in the back of his mind that while he strives to be forgettable, he'll also be a solitary existence. • “Shut In” Shinomu once got locked in a very small closet after he went to retrieve his jacket when he was six. He was trapped there for over sixteen hours before a family friend noticed his absence and alerted his parents. Since then, he has been terrified of spaces smaller than an average room. Rooms without windows, provided the room is dimly lit or dark, also cause sweating and nervous anxiety. If left in that state for longer than four hours, he begins vomiting and violent shakes. After ten hours, he is rendered mute and won’t move until touched.
Reductions: • Learn Bukijutsu techniques one [1] post faster. • Learn Ninjutsu one [1] post faster. • Learn Genjutsu one [1] post faster.
Personal Attributes: • Learn Bukijutsu techniques one [1] post faster. • Maximum four post interaction before the people he meets can actually remember anything about him. • Due to his natural forgettableness, all jutsu that hide, obscure or change the appearance of this character is reduced by 50%, whether chakra or stamina.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c α r є є r • ∂ α т α|├▬ Ryo: 両{Money} 0 AC: 0
Missions Complete: D Rank :: 0 {All start at zero} C Rank :: 0 B Rank :: 0 A Rank :: 0 S Rank :: 0
Crafting Trees • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title} • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title} • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title} • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
Crafting Jobs Complete: D Rank :: 0 C Rank :: 0 B Rank :: 0 A Rank :: 0 S Rank :: 0
Job Titles • {Job} || → {Current Title} • {Job} || → {Current Title}
Job Missions Complete: D Rank :: 0 C Rank :: 0 B Rank :: 0 A Rank :: 0 S Rank :: 0
Limitations: {How many of each technique you can learn. Refer to class info} • Ninjutsu : : 02 / 04 • Genjutsu : : 00 / 04 • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00 • Bukijutsu Styles: : 01 / 00
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ω є α ρ σ η • ∂ α т α|├▬ Weapon Type: Karambit knife Weapon Range: Close quarters, 2”-3” max. Weapon Weight: 3.6lbs Weapon Size: 4’ blade, 4’ hilt, total 8’ in length Weapon Location: Shoulder sheath • Image/details here
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ι η ν є η т σ r у|├▬ • 2x basic short knife • 3x shuriken • 5x senbon • 2x caltrops • 3x double sided knives (aka have a handle in the middle of two blades)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|т є c н η ι q υ є ѕ|├▬ ▬▬┤|N i n j u t s u Maruton: {Start with the following six only unless otherwise specified.} • Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ] • Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ] • Bushin no Jutsu [ Clone Technique ] • Suimen Hokou no Waza [ Act of Water Surface Walking ] • Kinobori no Waza [ Act of Tree Climbing ] • Kai [ Release ]
Katon [Fire] •
Doton [Earth] •
▬▬┤|G e n j u t s u Illusory •
Enchantment •
▬▬┤|T a i j u t s u {Style name here} • {Stage progression / techniques learned}
▬▬┤|B u k i j u t s u {Style name here} • {Stage progression / techniques learned}
▬▬┤|F o r m l e s s S t y l e s Current Slots Available → 00 // 00 {Find in Formless Style and Class information} Locked Formless • {Training Links} Slots Used • _______ → || [X] {Please include links for training}
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|н ι ѕ т σ r у|├▬ Shinomu Takaro was born to two very normal parents. His father was a shinobi who didn’t want anything more than to be a shinobi so he never rose higher than that. And he was happy. His mother was a seamstress of excellent technique. But she didn’t want to own her own shop or manage the one she worked in. So she rose to head seamstress but never higher than that. And she was happy too. Then they had a child, a little boy with the greenest eyes and a natural talent for making them smile. But as he grew older, something strange began to happen. It first came to notice when a neighbor met the Takaro’s at the market and inquired as to “Weren’t you going to have a baby?” of Mrs. Takaro who promptly replied “Yes, we did!” with great pride and joy, her husband beaming alongside her. To their and the neighbor’s confused question of where the child was, both husband and wife looked down and realized said child was not actually…there. In a panic, the Takaro’s rushed home to find their three year old standing in his crib, dressed and ready to go, blinking at them. Another neighbor said he’d heard a child crying but couldn’t remember who in the neighborhood had a small child. Confused and concerned that they might be lacking the necessary skills to be parents, the Takaro’s took their son to the hospital for an appointment, got checked in and sat down to wait while the nurse took Shinomu back. After an hour or so, a nurse walked by and noticed the confused Takaro’s hesitantly walking towards her. Upon asking what was wrong, they replied that they couldn’t remember why they were at the hospital and did the nurse know. A panicked next forty five minutes resulted in Shinomu being located sitting in an empty room with a toy. The doctor was located and to the bafflement of all, said he had entirely forgotten about the child. It was slowly discovered that upon leaving Shinomu alone for too long, he was, regrettably, forgettable. A program was designed where by the Takaro’s kept detailed notes on Shinomu for the foreseeable future until such a time when they could leave a room and not forget their child existed. As he grew older, Shinomu progressed into a rather odd child. His features, taken separately, were gorgeous. On anyone else, his brilliant blue eyes, sharp cheekbones, narrow nose and overall appearance would have had him on romance covers and earned him the adoration of all he met. On Shinomu, however, the opposite seemed to have been achieved. He never made an impression on the people he met, including his teachers or school mates. It wasn’t out of cruelty that he would be the last dismissed because the teacher forgot he was sitting in his chair. It wasn’t out of mockery that his fellow classmates would often be startled to find he’d been sitting with them. It wasn’t even out of petty dislike that his friends frequently forgot who he was and so had to become friends again. He seemed to be naturally forgettable, a partially invisible existence that left people with very little recollection of him. He was passed over for three years before someone noticed that his school records were massively improved and that for some reason a fourteen year old was still in a class with eleven year old’s. Even his own parents continued to have to use the program of keeping notes to keep up with him. Shinomu often had to leave notes next to dates so that his parents would remember that he was not, in fact, nine, ten or even eleven years old anymore. Eventually, an anbu came to the school to speak on what he did and was disturbed to realize that one of the children possessed a unique physiology that even he had a hard time seeing through. The anbu, however, did not forget Shinomu. After the speaking event, he pulled Shinomu aside, a startling event for the young boy who had never had that happen before, and suggested that he consider attempting the anbu or onin programs when he was old enough. This statement, combined with the affect being noticed had on Shinomu led him to devote himself to the path and idea of becoming an elite anbu or onin. He did not, however, foresee the eventual hardships this path would place in his way.
astrasinthewild · Tue Feb 28, 2017 @ 03:32am · 0 Comments |