-In a far off Green grassy lushhh meadow of soft green grass softer than butter milk, stands a man built on the foundation of AMERICAN VALUES standing 6 feet MADE OF ******** STEEL and he's playing gold swinging that club like a real spartan built like he could lift and throw Russia into the sun. He stands ready and steady his soft nipples you can hear rub the inside of his soft silk suit he lets out a sleepy yawn "CAWWW CAWW CAWWW"
a bee then stumbles by the hand of fate slapped by the wind into his neck "Ohhhhh no oh no this isn't good BARRY."
Bushes rough old red hide is pierced as if all the pain in him drained out in that very moment by BERRY "WELL NOW YOUCH CAWWWWWWWW"
Barry giggles "well now looks like were stuck like you where in china remember?"
"sassy little c**t now."
He gives Berry a good tug "MMM OHH wow if u pluck me off now Chief c**k-mander I'll die and if bee's die there won't be anymore---"
Bush is grinning the whole time and yanks him off Berrys screams as he bleeds from his sternum hot white wax all over Barrys trying to talk hanging over president bushes big wide mouth and white flat teeth square as table salt.
As if something clicked he looks around in a state of dream groggily looking at Berry with sore small eyes small as pebbles he asks "honey we- WELL YOUR A BEE??? But can you tell me how you make honey?"
"hahaha well its real simple"
Barry flys out of Bushes big strong hands and in an explosion of sparkles and bread he grows to a human size lacing his arms around Bush like a shoe lace his big wide eyes stare down Bush like a hallway.
"we gather pollen and sweet nectar in our secret honey stomach mmmf"
Bushs eye glow like a camp fire flame "I wanna SEE DAMMIT"
He pins Berry down on his back and gives him a good old American c**k DOWN deep up his rectum as he pounds Berry honey flys all over thick sappy Honey. Bush grabs Berry's soft brown hair kiss him hard sucking his fat plump yellow lips Berry softly moans and squirts nectar with each pound ******** his eyes roll into the back of his head as he screams in steamy pleasure,
"BABY bush You need to suck hard like a vacuum on my suck out the fructose and glucose."
Bush looks at berry his face is red and tired he gives him an all-American smile "bring me that fluffy lil c**k Baby Barry Boy" they lick eyeballs and Bush waist no time in getting on his knees and sucking Barrys massive breast he sucking hard all the milk sucks so hard Berry lets out a loud yelp and Berrys dry and flat drained he's laughing softly panting..... "thanks B-bush"
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