Okay. Is it really POSSIBLE to improve in 30 days? Yes. Is it REALLY possible to add 4 inches everywhere in 30 days? Yes, but VERY unlikeley. The real Idea, is using one of 4 Ideas. It's for people with higher fat content (fat), people with little fat content (skinny) , people in good condition (Above average), and people who are average, and have NEVER Worked out ever. So...
The real Idea is this- do you want to lose fat, gain muscle, get better, or start off with GOOD working out skills.
That's the Idea. This is for strength, size, toning, AND getting started. So... how does it work?
Stretching- stretching before, after, and in or out a workout removes toxins, increases flexibility, heps aid adn ease with pain, and increases your ability to function, your work out-put.
Now, I myself, do not like to stretch, nor do I NORMALLY stretch before and after a workout, as a matter of fact, I NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED IT. However, while running, I sretched my legs, and improved my times by OVER 1 minute in the 2 mile, and increased my times like in the 800 meters by shaving of 10 or 20 seconds, a REAL saver. Stretching also allowed my legs to twist and bend in ways that I couldn't before, and made it so that all I needed was to stretch before, no cool-down runs, no warm-ups, no constant killing of your legs, BARELY any soreness (just a little from working out) and increased my flexibity. And, also ,while running, I landed wrong on my heel, and on my legs, and on my body, and on my feet, and with this SUPREME flexibility, my body MERELY Abosrbed the shock during the race, and I GOT 1st PLACE! So before you consider not stretching, remeber, it's ONLY 30 days, and will help you by about 12%-50%.
Contratction- pretend that you are lifting weights, move your arms, legs, feet, hands, every day, and "Try" to lift an invisible weight, actully imagine that it's there, tesne your muscle. This will send a snyaspe, a message from your brain to send more strength and size hormones. Do this for 5 days a week, for best results. In a study, the average person INCREASED strength, and who KNOWS about size, by 14% better WHILE Working out, than those who just worked out. If anyone asks what your doing, tell them that, and maybe THEY'LL even start.
Food - this DOES not require that you god on ANY type of diet. However, for strength, size, ability, and FAT loss, you need to eat PROTEIN! I mean good amounts. But not too much. A good Idea would be 20 grams a day to start off with, and then, every two days, increase by 1 or 2 grams. Too much would make your digestive track collaspe. You see, just like weightlifting, your body needs time to ajust to heavy weights. Once this is done, the eating, working out, stretching, moving, workout once every week AT LEAST, and stretch, and eat a little more of goods foods.
Rest- get good rest. Resting is what heals you. Rest good eat good, and you'll get good gains. Now, sleeping through a workout will get you NOTHING. So, sleep about 8, 9, ro even 10 or 11 hours.
Actual workout
Now, this program utilizes this, and this main part only- to make this effective, you MUST do all the above listed things. Don't substitue supplements for protien. Use REAL protein. Protein from food, for it will help WAY much better.
Goal- try to gain 2 to 2.5 pounds a week. That's right. I said gain. But, you see, try to gain it of lean muscle mass, since looking good, and being good, is what this is about, AND try to lose fat. You see, you'll in REALITY you'll be gaining about 4 pounds of muscle a week. Now, how do workouts do this? They don't. Once again- stretching, eating right, acting like your lifting weights, AND lifting weights. Basically, take all the combined percanteges, and, you'll get 200% better than not working out, and the protein will help TEN-FOLD. So.... remember that slight detail, and you'll be okay!
Now... in an OVER-TRAINED state, this will do NOTHING, well, maybe a little, but not much. So... if you feel sore, wait before you do this, maybe a couple of days, you'll problably want to anyways.
Once again, do not take this lightly. This program was designed by ME, and uses a technique that NO-ONE else has used, whitch has made several get GOOD results FAST. But, it is as hard as crap, making you feel horible and tired. So, once again, sretch, TRY to get a massage or massage yourself, contract, and eat good, and most of all, REST. Resting is what HEALS you, so, there you go!
Day 1
Squat- 4 x 8
Deadlift- 4 x 5
Walking Lunges- 4 x 20
Calf raises- 4 x 20 (HEAVY WEIGHT)
Crunches- 4 x failure or 200
Day 2
Bench press- 6 x 8
Incline bench press- 4 x 6
Barbell row- 6 x 8
Chin-up/ modified chin-up- 4 x failure or 20
Day 3
Crunches- 4 x 25 or failure (weighted)
Leg Raises- 4 x 15 or 25 (weighted, with dummbell in between your feet yes)
Day 4
Squat- 4 x 8
Deadlift- 4 x 5
Walking Lunges- 4 x 20
Calf raises- 4 x 20 (HEAVY WEIGHT)
Day 5
Front (Military) Over-head press- 5 x 6
Dumbell over-head press- 3 x 10
Decline close-grip bench press- 4 x 8
Curl- 6 x 8
Crunches- 4 x failure
Day 6
Just to tell you now, the basics of this is NOT the workouts. I decided to combine all assets of working out: stretching, acting, food, and rest. Yes, the plan was to make a program that could bring staggering results in little time. So, I did my research, and found out that there ARE A few things like cell-tech that COULD boost your ability, or it could not. So then, I decided- Well it's only for 1 month, how bad could it be to stretch all the time, feel like your working, eating right, and getting more rest? Well... the truth is, this is going to feel a LITTLE silly. Well... don't worry. The whole Idea is that with the combined percanteges, you'll get results OVER twice as a fast, meaning that instead of going on an 8-week plan, you only have for, and it will double everything.
To break it down
You will be rotating a 6 day cycle, and you will do this cycle 5 times in 1 month. You will stretch, pretend to lift weight (to cuase a muslce-mind connection that stimulates the nervous system) and will run, and do cardio at your own will. You will also eat good, and excersise to keep up. After you are done, you can continue, or you can go on a maitenance program- you do the same stuff, or less, and then you eat regular and a little better, and keep up what you have.
(hold each for about 10 or 20 seconds, or for 1 minute, to get the full effect.)
For biceps- stick your arm out straight, and extend it as far as possible
Tricep Stretch
Forearm Sretch
Back Stretch
Chest Stretch
do toe touches
Do toe touches with one foot over the other, like crossing

This work ALL of your main muscles twice, making them good stretches
Any stretches you feel that you need, add them.
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