Name: Miranda Karin Henderson
Nicknames: Mika
Alter Ego: Leaf
Gender: Female
Age and Grade: 15 and grade 10
Orientation: Straight
Powers: The ability to control paper, and transmute it into an entirely different formi.e swords, keys and change it's thickness and sharpness. She can deal one hell of a paper cut!
Dorm: 1
Classes: Science, Math, English, History, Art, Theater, Training other and weapons use.
Pet: Rodent, called Yuki
Height: 5ft 5
Weight: 90lb
Appearance: Miranda has long black hair that reaches to her waist. It complements her deep brown eyes and olive skin, for she is part Filipino. She has orthodontic straight teeth and a somewhat clumsy smile. She has a skinny frame and hasn't got a very athletic body.
Clothing: She has a girly style, and also a semi formal style. She likes to wear vests with collared shirts and semi short skirts. She will wear jeans at very casual occasions, or when she goes shopping.
Suit: Minus the wings

Accessories: A silver bracelet, insribed with her name and a gold signet ring.
Weapons: Her own paper swords and daggers
Personality: She's eccentric, witty and a total romantic. She enjoys the simpler things in life, and hates those who are always depressed. She is somewhat selfish and envious of her peers. She is insecure and a little naive but she always tries to keep a smile on her face, even when she's deeply hurt.
Likes: Drawing, spoon bending, and strawberries
Dislikes: Spiders, spicy foods
Skills: Drawing, origami, badminton, impersonations
Weaknesses: Sports(except badminton), singing
Bio: She was born in Australia, but then raised in America and Japan alternatively. She has an older brother, whom she shares a love-hate relationship withand her two loving parents. She has always enjoyed travelling around the world, and would either like to become a diplomat, or a voice actress.