Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Dani California" -
Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi
Papa was a copper and mama was a hippie
In Alabama she would swing a hammer
Price you gotta pay when you pick the panorama
She never knew that there was anything more than poor
What in the world? What does your confidant take me for?
Black bandana, sweet Louisiana
Robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner
Hunt em everywhere sayin baby whatcha gonna
Lookin' down the barrel of a hot metal forty five
Just another way to survive
California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest, yeah, yeah
She's a lover baby and a fighter
Shoulda seen her coming when it got a little brighter
With a name like Dani California
Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya
A little lotus, she was stealin' another breath
I love my baby to death
Who knew the other side of you?
Who knew that all this time to prove?
Too true to say good bye to you
Too true too sad sad sad...
First to fade her gifted animator
One for the now and eleven for the later
Never made it up to Minnesota
North Dakota man was a gunnin' for the quota
Down in the badlands she was savin' the best for last
It only hurts when I laugh
Gone too fast...
[Chorus 2x]
"Dani California" -
Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi
Papa was a copper and mama was a hippie
In Alabama she would swing a hammer
Price you gotta pay when you pick the panorama
She never knew that there was anything more than poor
What in the world? What does your confidant take me for?
Black bandana, sweet Louisiana
Robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner
Hunt em everywhere sayin baby whatcha gonna
Lookin' down the barrel of a hot metal forty five
Just another way to survive
California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest, yeah, yeah
She's a lover baby and a fighter
Shoulda seen her coming when it got a little brighter
With a name like Dani California
Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya
A little lotus, she was stealin' another breath
I love my baby to death
Who knew the other side of you?
Who knew that all this time to prove?
Too true to say good bye to you
Too true too sad sad sad...
First to fade her gifted animator
One for the now and eleven for the later
Never made it up to Minnesota
North Dakota man was a gunnin' for the quota
Down in the badlands she was savin' the best for last
It only hurts when I laugh
Gone too fast...
[Chorus 2x]
Well, as another Tuesday pass by, so does the countdown of another two days I wish would pass by. In one more day (and a half), I will be finally get out of Child Endangerment Camp which normally is called School.
I don't know why I hate school so much. It's probably just a phase. Well, if you call 14 years a phase minus half that due to kindergaten. So, about 7 years. Eww.
I had another M.J. picture before in a past Entry, and it seems this was due for another one. Go Coppers Go!
Red Hot Chili Peppers was a band I really liked without knowing it. It's like reading a fascinating book but when you look up, the light's not on. stressed
This Memorial weekend, I'm going camping with the parental unit known as "Father." It won't be so bad, I've done this before, but it seems to my Mom that I do need to spend sometime with him due to the fact Summer is hitting me like a slap to the face. Ouch.
Actually, tomorrow I get this award for outstanding achievement for the past 3 years I've been here at this Middle School. There's a name for it but I've already forgotten it like I always do. Damn.
Quest Update: Pengu Slippers - 43/80+K.
-With all due respect and Love,
Lanzer the 2nd. <3.