My Army. My Aggression. My Guild.
Fueled with righteous fire from their angelic leader, the Boros Legion enforces their swift brand of military justice.
&a href=""&<img src="" title="I am Red/White" alt="I am Red/White" border="0" />&/a&<br />I am Red/White<br />&a href=""&Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!&/a&<br />&small&Created with &a href=""&Rum and Monkey&/a&'s &a href=""&Personality Test Generator&/a&.&/small&&/p&&div&I'm both chaotic and orderly. I value my own principles, and am willing to go to extreme lengths to enforce them, often trampling on the very same principles in the process. At best, I'm heroic and principled; at worst, I'm hypocritical and disorderly.&/div&