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New Life. I've gone through and deleted all the old entries. I wish it was easier then one by one. I'm 19 and starting college. I'm handling a long distance relationship, and my mind doesn't make that easy.

Community Member
A message from Nick.
Here the message from Nick.

Nick: Ayye

Brittany: Hey.

Nick: What ya doin

Brittany: Nothing at all. You?

Nick: Not s**t. Bored af

Brittany: Me too lol.

Nick: Yeah it really sucks I hate it

Brittany: Tell me something i dont know.

Nick: Haha. What ya been doin?

Brittany: Laying at my house doing nothing You?

Nick: Same. Bored as s**t. We should do somethin

Brittany: Oh really now?

Nick: Well yeh

Brittany: What would we do?

Nick: Idc. Somethin you'd enjoy!

Brittany: I wonder what that could be?

Nick Sheffield
Idk. What would ya like to do?
I we can do just about anything you'd like

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
I like to swim and I like camping.

Nick Sheffield
Well you wouldn't be able to take off for a few days and go campin lol. But I can take ya swimmin for sure

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
I'm about to die of boredom

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
I am too

Nick Sheffield
Let's do somethin

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Alright. lol

Nick Sheffield
Can I come get ya?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Right now?

Nick Sheffield
That's what I meant lol

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Not in the middle of the night. Lol

Nick Sheffield
Creep out!

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Im not sneaking out at the age of 19. Im not going to freak my parents out agian like the last i snuk out

Nick Sheffield
Let's go

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
I need to shower and shave.

Nick Sheffield
No ya dont. You just need to hang with me!
Your attractive either wY

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
My parents will kill me.

Nick Sheffield
If they find out

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
And they will

Nick Sheffield
Well I'll sit at your window and talk to ya purdy (;

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
I have an airconditioner in it. lol

Nick Sheffield
Well come outside

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
We can sit at my back door I guess

Nick Sheffield
Can I hug on ya
I miss ya and I wanna see ya

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Nvrm. The key ain't in the wheeler

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
This sucks. Maybe you could find it tomorrow and then we can hang out?

Nick Sheffield
Yeah. For sure!
Will you snapchat me?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
My ipod is broke.

Nick Sheffield
Damn. I wanna see you real bad

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Send me a picture of ya gorgeous! !

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
(sent pic)

Nick Sheffield
Gayyy. Profile pic lol

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
I dont have pics on my dads laptop lol

Nick Sheffield
Take one then. Your purdy face looks good all day and night

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Ill try

Nick Sheffield
I'll send you one or two
I miss ya

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Miss you too

Nick Sheffield

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Lemme see ya gorgeous

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
I cant fingure out how to open up theweb com

Nick Sheffield
Well Skype me or some s**t like thay

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Can you do that on kik
Your sexy af ((:

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
im on skype

Nick Sheffield
I don't have it ): I thought I did. Want me to download it sexy??

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Ok hang on

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
I wanna see ya purdy

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
I can't remember my name

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Do you have it added?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Well ********

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
do you remember what it could have been?

Nick Sheffield
Yeah hang on I'm tryin

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
God damn I tried everything
I just wanna see ya

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Im sorry

Nick Sheffield
It blows
Figure out how to send me one of ya

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
im trying

Nick Sheffield
Try harder sexy (;

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
My ipod wont work and I cant find the webcam on my dads computer what am I to do?

Nick Sheffield
Search it lol
You can search it when you click the windows thing

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
I did

Nick Sheffield
I wanna see ya
What ya wearing gorgeous

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Im wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt

Nick Sheffield
Damn. I wanna see em!

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
There is nothing to look at

Nick Sheffield
Other than your lucious curves, body and butt?
It don't get no better what ya mean?!?!?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
What's under those sexyness !?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Underwear and a bra

Nick Sheffield
Can I see em!

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
They too sexy for these eyes?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
No just plain underwear and bra

Nick Sheffield
That's still mouth watering when your in em
I wanna see you real bad

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
well we've tried everything

Nick Sheffield
I know it's ******** bs
Can I come see ya tm

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Who's all gonna be there

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Me, tiff, and granny

Nick Sheffield
Sweet. Will ya cuddle with me?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
Can we please have great sex for a long a** time

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
um no

Nick Sheffield

Brittany Nichole Jenkins

Nick Sheffield
You know ya want too
I'd love too

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Yeah i do but im not going to

Nick Sheffield
Whys that?

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
Just because

Nick Sheffield
Well I'm gonna sleep. And I'm gonna try to come see ya tm

Brittany Nichole Jenkins
ok good night

Nick Sheffield
Night sexy