Full Name: Robin Annabelle Grace
Nickname: Annie, Bell, Robby
Literal Age: Sixteen
Dream Age: Seven Years
Gender: Girl
Race: Fallen (Lost) Angel
Nightmare or Dream: Dream
Markings: Silver wing tattoo on her back. It disappears when she releases her angelic wings. A small pink birthmark the shape of a heart hides under her bangs in the corner of her forehead.
Any Information Not Included In Picture: She is 5'6" but has no weight. She wears a white tank top with a blue skirt. A belt rests around her waist and is attached to a small bag. This bag usually contains a bottle of moon drop and some treats for her bunny, Riddle. She wears a gold anklet on her right leg and she walks bare foot. She also wears gold gaunlets/gloves with bandages underneath.
~Job: Artist/Healer ~
Job Description: She paints anything and everything that her clients ask her. From giant portraits on a wall to cute animal designs on kids' faces for the latest festivities. As for being a healer, she will heal all who request her.
Job History: When she arrived in Rhoid, not many of the townsfolk accepted her methods of healing. They found it rather foolish and only those who took the risk of trusting her would ask for her assistance. However, they never expressed their gratitude for her works outwardly because they feared judgement from other citizens. This reason also causes her works to be done in secret. Luckily, no majorly noticeable wounds have been brought to her attention that would likely hamper their secrecy. Since she does not get much business from healing, she often paints pictures in her house all day. This business does not receive a lot of money, but it gets her through the days.
Future Career Plans: She wants to become a true healer for Rhoid.
~Other Information~
Style of Fighting: Magical Bunny Rabbit. She derives her powers from his presence. Without him she's powerless.
Best Skill: Her strongest power is healing. She plucks a feather from her wings and traces an inscription as a circle around the wound. The scripture is foreign and not even Robin understands its meaning or how she came to the knowledge of writing it. The answer must lie within the silent Riddle.
Side Skills: She can shoot small blue orbs of wind towards her opponent. They are not strong enough to cause serious damage, but can cause the enemy to lose their balance. She can also call upon mist to assist her escape.
o Bunnies and Riddle
o Moon Drop: a drink from her dream world.
o Healing
o Making people smile
o Painting
o Anger: The strong emotion rarely shows from her, but no matter who it comes from it always makes her tear up.
o Roses: They bring back painful memories.
o Death: She would never forgive herself if someone died in her presence.
Quote and/or Theme Song: "Save All and Live On."
History: As a bullied teenager in middle school a girl named Kira had a sorrowful life. She threatened to kill herself often to those who mocked her. Then one night as she was dreaming an angel formed in front of her. As her dream went on this young angel began to resemble the girl she wished everyone saw her as: kind, loving, and compassionate. She would re-visit her dreams every night to meet with Robin. They ran off in adventures together and Kira always learned something new about Robin. How she had been kicked out of Heaven after another angel framed her for stealing a rare and precious white rose from someone else's vanity. How she never felt anger towards that angel and that she hoped one day to return to her home. She also learned that Robin loved to paint like she did. They painted from sunrise to sunset some days and tried to guess each others thoughts through their masterpieces. In one dream Kira and Robin stumbled upon a badly wounded rabbit. The poor thing was bleeding profusely and jerking every few seconds. Robin picked up the fragile creature and cried. Kira knew she cried because neither of them could save it. She cried, too. Magically the bunny jumped out of their hands and licked their faces like nothing was wrong. It sat in front of them completely unharmed. That bunny soon became known as Riddle and Robin had harvested the power of healing along with a few other tricks.
Kira, Robin, and Riddle raced of on adventures every night until Kira graduated high school. Kira's visits with Robin quickly diminished after she met her true love the next year. He brought her roses every day and Kira moved on from her younger days. Robin was left behind.
Now Robin has found herself in Rhoid. She moves throughout her days cheerfully with Riddle still by her side, but she is still secretly hurting from her old dream world experiences.
Personality: She is a thoughtful and shy character. She often keeps to herself when it comes to groups, but she still wears a smile on her face and speaks kindly of those around her.

Full Name: Riddle
Nickname: none
Literal Age: Youngish. Five years?
Dream Age: Six Years
Gender: Male
Race: Bunny Rabbit
Nightmare or Dream: Dream
Markings: White fur. Dark gray strip down his back.
Any Information Not Included In Picture: Yes. He likes to wear a blue cape and gold bells.
~Job: Best Friend ~
Job Description: He always accompanies Robin where ever she goes.
Job History: He is silent, but he always listens to Robin when she just wants to talk. He snuggles next to her every night and they keep each other warm even in the worst weather. He also provides a mysterious aura that allows Robin to use her powers.
Future Career Plans: None that anyone knows of. He can't talk.
~Other Information~
Style of Fighting: Physical/ Magical
Best Skill: Numbing Bite: When he bites an opponent it numbs the nerves in the certain limb so that it can't be used. However, it only lasts a few minutes.
Side Skills: Scratch. Scream/Squeal: He does this when he's in trouble like normal rabbits do.
o Robin
o Feather Flies: He eats them.
o Being Pet
o Moon Drop: A drink that causes him to become drowsy for some odd reason.
o Having his ears pulled.
Quote and/or Theme Song:
History: He came from the same dream as Robin and has been by her side ever since. Not much is known about his history. He is actually a mute boy in rabbit form, but Robin is unaware. He hasn't ever changed back into human form.
Personality: Quiet and loving. He cares dearly for Robin.