_____________[│║║█║▌][ρ є я ѕ σ η α ℓ - ∂ α т α]

Full Name: Kemuri Subeta
Nickname: 13 (Scorch)
Age: 32
Appears to be: 32
Rank: N/A
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs
Appearance: He has unkept white hair, shaved on the sides and back and spiky on top. He wears jeans with a normal belt and wallet chain, also he is typically seen wearing headphones and dark shades. He barely ever wears a shirt, and has a build of an athlete. He wears grappling gloves and a sword on his back, he is never seen without a cigarette.
Personality: He is rather silent, keeps to himself for the most part. But those who break through his shell see his tender side. He seems mad all the time but rather it is just him sulking in his past. He figures the less people that get close to him the less people he will hurt.
Personal Skill: Singing, although he doesn't do it anymore.
Favorite Food: Anything Spicy
Favorite Drink: Alcohol
Least Favorite Food: Greens (peas and green beans mostly)
Likes: Music, relaxing and fighting (just about anything to keep his mind of his past)
Dislikes: Thinking and People pushing their way into his life/business.
Hates: People who put his friends in danger (or those he considers friends)
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Motto: "Forgetting the past is hard, but until you can moving forward is harder."
Battle Strength:
• All areas of combat
Battle Weakness:
• Long lasting battles
Fullbring Item
Sealed Form
Name: Shigaretto Haigara
Type: Scorch
Appearance: A Cigarette
Appearance: No change only it lets off more smoke
Abilities: The smoke is a mild toxin, when breathing it in it burns the throat of the opponent. After awhile it will cause severe irritation and coughing, then blood will begin to produce from the throat causing minor internal injuries. Anything over 20 posts breathing in the smoke (battling in close quarters) will cause internal organs to shut down momentarily and cause severe pain. Kemuri can shift into smoke himself making physical attacks useless and is unaffected by his own abilities and techniques even outside of smoke form.
• Scorching Chaos
This attack will happen after ashes are flicked into the smoke, they will form balls of fire that will shoot outwards towards the intended target(s). A max of 10 can be made, and as they hit anything they will stick to the object/person and begin to burn it into ashes. They are easy to remove just a simple swipe will push them off.
• Scorching Rain
This attack deals more into an area of effect. Smoke will gather above head in a 100 yard radius, after flicking ashes they will not fall to the ground but rather they will shoot to the sky as if gravity reversed. After they hit the cloud, redish orange rain will begin to fall, as it hits anything in the area it will burn and cause minor pain. If in the rain for more than 10 posts skin will begin to boil over causing severe pain and discomfort as well as serious injuries.
• Scorching Smoke
This attack has to be used in close proximity to the target, after smoke is blew directly into the face of the target and inhaled the user will flick ashes into the smoke that wasn't inhaled and it will ignite the smoke even inside the targets body. This will cause severe internal injury and could even cause death, this is a hard technique to pull off considering the target needs to be within feet of the user and will also need to inhale the smoke.
Kansei (second release)
Appearance: He will swallow the lit cigarette and his body will begin to produce smoke. He will turn a darker color and have red veins throughout his body, making him appear more demonic.
Abilities: The ability that previously existed has only gotten more potent, only taking 15 posts for the more severe posts to take effect. Although the original techniques can still be used, the techniques in this release are simply upgraded versions of the previous techniques.
• Scorching Chaos Dragon
Much like the original, this is created from the smoke being ignited. A dragon of fire will form and attack the intended target(s), it can shoot the scorching chaos balls from its mouth making it much more dangerous. Not only that but it seems to be conscious, attacking anyone Kemuri sees as an enemy. This dragon can also devour an enemy, if they cannot escape within 3 posts they will be in severe pain and spit out of the dragon as a fireball into another opponent or the ground.
• Scorching Hell Fire
This attack will take place after creating another cloud much like the aforementioned technique. After the cloud ignites not just rain will fall but meteor like objects will begin barreling towards the ground. These will hit the ground at such force they will leave craters were the impact was made.
• Scorching Smoke Screen
This is similar to the non-upgraded version of this technique. However this time a smoke screen is created within a 50 yard perimeter of Kemuri, this smog is dense and flammable not to mention eyesight is hindered within this technique, at least everyone's but Kemuri's. Within this smog his original ability is enhanced, as well as adding the fact that eyes will dry up and begin to burn. Instead of it taking 15 posts for severe consequences it only takes 10 posts now, and if they stay 15 posts they will begin melting away, in 20 posts their physical bodies no longer exist.
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Tattoos/scars/birthmarks: Has a scar on the left side of his chest. The number thirteen tattooed on the back of his neck.
Extra: N/A
_____________[│║║█║▌][H ι s т σ я y - ∂ α т α]
Background History:
• Kemuri was an orphan, he was the product of a drunken hussy and a drug dealing degenerate. She was so ******** up all the time she had no idea she was pregnant until she went into labor, she never got much bigger during her pregnancy term so it was even harder for her to tell. After she gave birth, they dropped Kemuri off at a shelter. Within the shelter they didn't give names, they gave numbers. The shelter was a front for a group of assassins, they trained kids from a very young age. He grew up learning how to fight and kill people, after he reached the age of 10 he was sent out on missions. He killed many people for a lot of money that he never received, it all went back to the shelter. After he reached the age of 17 he was let go by the group, they no longer needed him, he was to old and he wasn't even their best or most trustworthy so he wasn't allowed to stay. He joined a group of people that called themselves Fullbringers, he stayed with them 8 years, they gave him the name Kemuri Subeta. He grew close to them since they treated him like family. One day he went out and fought against a group of Arrancar, one had a number on him but he didn't think much of it. After he defeated the group he returned home, but he found out he was followed by the Arrancar and a few other strong ones that had numbers on them. Soon his entire family he spent 8 years with was killed in front of his eyes, he escaped with his life barely only because they assumed he was dead from the large gash they inflicted on his chest. He then went off alone and spent about 7 years searching for a place to call home. Soon he came across a group calling themselves Meteor, he decided to give them a chance, but he refused to get close to any of them, for it was his fault his previous family died, he wouldn't let it happen again.
Theme Song: Danzig - 13
Johnny Cash - Thirteen